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"We're hanging out at Saeyoon's again. Come on let's-"
"Okay, let's go!" Before Taeil could finish his words, Soohyun responds excitedly.
Taeil's jaw drops a little, shocked due to Soohyun's odd respond.
"I was about to find thousand of words to convince you but what happened? I haven't even started."
"Let's go, let's go! I'm excited. Woah." Soohyun reacts cheerfully once again, spinning his shoulder as if he's ready.
"I even took a half day off today to come here because God knows how hard it is to convince you, but now.... It didn't even take a minute." Taeil is still in shock.
Soohyun still smiles cheerfully while signing some of the documents that needs to be submitted later that day.
"What the hell happened? You're possessed or something?" Taeil asks him over and over again but Soohyun keeps making excited noise.
Soohyun actually knows it's Friday and Younghee will be teaching Saeyoon's sister so he's all in because of that.
It's been 10 days since the hugging happened and they barely contacted each other after that.
Younghee seems busy with her work and Soohyun has also been preoccupied with his new application's launching so they both do not want to disturb each other. But since Soohyun has been quite free since yesterday, it's a perfect time to see Younghee but in a subtle way.
"Okay, I got it. I'll go now. I'm gonna go and have lunch. Do you wanna join?" Taeil asks Soohyun.
Soohyun just shakes his head.
"Ah good. It's a lunch date anyways. With a pretty woman."
Soohyun stops signing his document and looks straight into Taeil's eyes.
"You better watch out." Soohyun's big brother mode is on.
"With my pretty Emma." Taeil says while laughing.
"You punk. But, good. Have a great lunch." Soohyun says to Taeil who's laughing then waving his hand as a sign of leaving.
He continues signing the documents peacefully, his heart jumping as if it is

Soohyun comes one hour early from their promised time, solely to bump into Younghee who will come around this time.
Saeyoon finds it weird too but he just lets it slide and doesn't bother to ask what's gotten into him anyways.
The bell is ringing while Saeyoon is in the kitchen and he comes back to the hall to open the door.
Younghee and Saerom come in.
Younghee sees Soohyun and she is stuck in that position when Soohyun also locks his eyes to her.
Saeyoon actually knows that something is fishy between those two and he has decided to let his investigator self to play its role now.
"Saerom-ie, and Younghee too, do sit for a while. I'll take some drinks for you two." Saeyoon says.
"Ah, it's okay. We'll just start the class right away." Younghee refuses.
"It's still 15 minutes early than the supposed time. Just sit and rest first." Saeyoon looks at Saerom and he knows he doesn't even have to show any gestures or body language to make her understand and stays there for a while. That kid is lazy, of course she wouldn't miss this opportunity.
"Let's just rest for today, unnie. I'm tired." Saerom sighs a little.
Saeyoon just rolls his eyes, he knows his little sister really is full of drama.
Younghee and Saerom both sit in the hall and Younghee sits opposite Soohyun who's just watching silently, being grateful for Saeyoon.
Saeyoon makes his way into the kitchen and he turns back for a moment and sees Younghee and Soohyun are taking glances at each other. He grins a little.
"SAEROMMM!" Saeyoon calls his sister from the kithen. He has to do it so Saerom would leave those two and let them have their moments together.
Saerom is forced to get up when she couldn't hear a thing her brother said and she makes her steps into the kitchen too.

"How have you been?" Soohyun asks Younghee.
"I'm doing good. How about you? Did the launching go well?" Younghee did wish him the best of luck with the launching of his newly developed health application, a collaboration with a medical university in Seoul.
"It went well, thankfully. You seem busy these days. I mean both of us are..." Soohyun honestly has missed all the chattings they had a few weeks before and he is really hoping Younghee and him could make some time to go out again.
"Ah, yes. I had to replace someone who quit abruptly but now I think they have found a replacement. I have been busy settling my late father's documents too." Younghee replies Soohyun. It was quite hectic because she had to go here and there for some documents she doesn't even understand about.
"Documents?" Soohyun asks.
"Yea, he left some money for me at some insurance companies too so they called me and I went there. And yeah, my uncle and aunt keep pushing me to sign some documents too but I think I need to take some times to do so since I can't really understand what they are. So, they were quite giving me a headache with all the pressure." Younghee tells Soohyun.
"They pushed you to sign some documents? What documents?"
"Honestly, I don't understand too. And why do they even need my signature? They told me my father's company was actually their parents'. But since my father was the eldest, he took care of it and now since he's gone, they will take over instead."
Soohyun just nods, he finds it quite suspicious.
"You might be something to the company. Maybe the actual sole heir?" Soohyun suggests.
"Uhm, honestly I don't care about those things. My dad has always told me that his parents always look so highly at him, neglecting the others and they hated my father for it. I feel sorry for them, honestly. So even if they want it, they can take the company. I don't know how to handle it anyways. It's just... I still need to read and understand the content before agreeing to it." Younghee's reply has left him in awe. He admires Younghee for having such a kind heart and even if she is not able to live as luxurious as she was previously, she still considers about others' feelings and conditions. Soohyun knows how hard it must have been for her, judging from how big her father's company originally was, she must have dressed with expensive items, travelled overseas frequently, lived in a big mansion and rode super expensive cars but now, not anymore. She is now living in a comfortable and affordable condominium but not as grant as her previous home but she looks totally fine with it.
Soohyun then just nods as a form of response.
"So what are you planning to do? You should seek legal advice." Soohyun asks her again.
"I'm planning to, but later. I'm busy these days." It's really hard to handle many things at once all by herself so delaying it for some times might be okay since her uncles and aunts are still quite about it these few days. So she is taking her time in doing so.
"You must be so busy, right? It's really nice if we can go out and have a meal together." Soohyun is giving away hints for Younghee to find some time off her work and be with him.
"Ah, I will contact you if everything is okay. You promised to go to your favourite place next, ain't it?" Younghee smiles alone sometimes when she remembers his words. She purposely says that to remind Soohyun because she's really curious to go to Soohyun's favorite restaurant.
"Ah yes, I will bring you. There's a few options, I'm sorting out the best." Soohyun smiles. Different from Younghee, the places he chose were all when he spent quality times with his friends, growing up together. The restaurant has witnessed it all and being reminded to how busy his parents are saddens him a little. But he's thankful they are still healthy and breathing well, that's all that matter to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2022 ⏰

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