Checking In|| Sanctuary Season Guide x Reader

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Woo! First oneshot! I decided to do sanctuary guide because I haven't really seen much of him.

I will refer to the Sanctuary Guide with He/Him pronouns, and the reader with They/Them. Sanctuary guide will be refered to as Sanctuary.


It was a bright and sunny day, as it usually is in Daylight Prairie. All of the Sanctuary spirits were spending their days how they usually would. The cliff side that the season guide could be found lounging upon was empty. Said season guide was nowhere to be seen by any of the spirits. Of course, the spirits suspected nothing out of the ordinary, for he did this quite often. Sanctuary was still within the islands,  but he had somehow gotten up to one of the floating islands. He was sitting on a lounge chair. There was an empty one next to him. It almost seemed like he was waiting for someone. Soon enough, he heard familiar laughter filling the air as you landed next to him. You had tumbled off of the manta you were riding to reach the Sanctuary Islands. 

"Are you.. alright (Y/N)?" He expressed his concern for your well-being. You thought it was sweet how he made sure you were safe and healthy. But at times, it could become a little overbearing. You were and have been a daredevil all your life. You knew how to stay safe, and what not to do or where not to go because of the high amounts of danger doing or going there. 

"Oh you know, I'm fine," You declare with a laugh. You get up off the grass and go over to Sanctuary. You give him a big bear hug. 

"But I definitely missed you!" You expressed. Sanctuary was confused at your behavior. He debated asking if you were okay again, but you seemed fine so he didn't. 

"What did you do today?"

"Oh! I visited Miss Dreams and skated around with the skater girl! I fell quite a bit though. I'm not the best on ice. I also visited..." You rambled on about your adventures. Sanctuary didn't mind though. He would listen to you ramble on for as long as you wanted. Of course, to show that he was listening to you, he interjected with the occasional "Oh!" or "Wow!"

After your rambling, you requested that he tell you about his day.

"Oh, nothing much happened. I was kind of lonely though."

"So a usual day?"

"Yep." After that, the two of you talked for hours. Just about simple things, or small talk. Eventually, you had to leave. So, you got up and pecked Sanctuary on the cheek of his mask. You called your manta to you, and got onto it when it returned.

"See you tomorrow?"

"Yeah. See you tomorrow!" You waved goodbye to each other. You flew off, towards Bird's Nest, while he stood there holding the cheek you kissed. He hoped that you two would advance your relationship more. More than just friends.


That's all for this chapter! Have a lovely day everyone!

Word count: 500

Sky COTL x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now