𝟬𝟯. mad ideas

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Sam didn't show his face again after the last time, after strongly sensing his presence had pissed off his ex girlfriend. Although it wasn't all over, after he spent the last few days devising a plan to try and make up for the last upset. Truth be told, his friends thought he was crazy for trying again but there was nothing that nobody could do to stop him. Showing up to her parent's doorstep with a bunch of her favourite flowers couldn't go wrong, could it?

"You've had some mad ideas but boy this is stupid. You're not going to win her round with that." Drew looked down at the bunch of roses that the singer was clutching onto. Despite being told this multiple times, Sam would not listen. "Bethan's only going to shut you out once again."

"I'm not trying to win her back." He sighed, feeling frustrated that his friends wouldn't side with him this once. "I just want to make things right after the way I left it."

"How do you even know her parents still live there? She might be working down the bar." His best friend didn't stop with the questions, as Dean gulped loudly. With their recent natter with Karis, everything over the last few years was covered.

"Karis might've told Dean who told me." He admitted, his face turning a shade of red. "She's off every second Thursday and she moved back into her parents after she lost the flat."

"Yeah, not creepy in the slightest." Joe raised an eyebrow, as the boys chuckled lightly, which only made the boy feel even more belittled. "If you want to see her again, just go down to the pub." The other two nodded in agreement, it would be a more sensible meeting place.

"Still, I don't think this is one of your greatest ideas but you do whatever is right for you." Drew suggested again although it was evident that Sam wasn't interested in what anybody else had to say.

Wether he got anywhere with this, Sam didn't care. At least he could say he tried and that's all that mattered to him.

One hand clutched to the roses, the other knocked on the front door of the house that he spent every Christmas and birthday during their time together, as the memories all came flooding back to him.

Sam took a step back from the door as his stomach dropped when Bethan opened the door from the other side. Her ex boyfriend was the last person she expected to be at her front door, especially after having made her feelings clear back at the pub.

Bethan had no words, as she stared at the singer on her doorstep, who was now holding the bunch of roses out in front of him. She needed to pinched, believing she was dreaming it all.

"You can at least take these off me, my hands starting to ache." Sam chuckled, as the blonde took them in her hand and admired the bunch. Her smile widened as she swiftly read the small card attached.

One thing I've never forgotten is that these were your favourites.

Sam x

"Well, this was the last thing I expected on my day off." Bethan finally found her words, as she stepped aside to let Sam in, before closing the door after him. "What are you even doing here? In fact, how did you know mam and dad still lived here?"

The Geordie held two hands up in the air to prove his innocence. "Turns out our best friends talk a lot about us, so if your going to blame someone, it's Karis." He chuckled.

The barmaid shook her head. "I should've known, she never bloody listens."

"I'm probably chancing this but I'm here to talk and make things right, with the chance you won't shut me out this time?" Sam bit his lip, thinking he had overstepped the mark. "Just seeing as I'm going to be back in Shields for a little bit, I don't want to make things more awkward than they need to be."

Bethan smiled and nodded her head, quite the opposite reaction from the first time around. "Sure, thank you for making the effort. I'm sorry for the other day, I didn't mean to be so arsey." The last thing she ever expected was to come face to face with her ex boyfriend where she was brutally dumped by him.

"Well that was easier than I had imagined." It felt like a weight had been taken off of Sam's chest with the girl's positive reaction. He looked around the house as he followed her into the lounge which hadn't changed much since he was last there. "Forgot how comfy this couch is!" He chuckled, bouncing down onto the cushion next to Bethan.

Bethan laughed with him, remembering the many of good times she had with him there. The movie nights were a firm favourite of hers, up close with keeping her parents up every night driving them crazy from the sound of Sam's guitar. "The very couch where my mam nearly caught us at it!" She chuckled, making Sam's face flush red.

"Thought I'd blocked that one out." Sam shook his head, scratching the back of his neck to hide his embarrassment. "One too many a time, eh?"

"Didn't mean to embarrass you there." The blonde patted his shoulder for reassurance as she got up from the couch. "Can I get you a drink? We've got tea, coffee, probably something stronger."

"Cuppa will do nicely for now, might keep that something stronger for later." He advised her, before diverting his attention to the family dog, Freddie, who had entered the room. "Hello Fred!"

"Look's like I've lost my spot." Bethan shook her head, looking at the pair on the couch. Freddie soaking up all the attention from Sam, whom he hadn't seen in years.

A catchup with her ex boyfriend (and Freddie) was the last thing Bethan had in mind today, but it certainly did her the world of good. Despite the bittersweet feeling, she was more than proud of what Sam had achieved in his career since the split.

Written: 7th December 2022
Published: 9th January 2023
WC: 1085


a/n: right, we'll pretend i haven't been away for a month 😭 but cute wee reunion with these two finally!

new year's resolution is to update more, with this book as a priority!! i promise good things are coming <33

all my love, b x

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2023 ⏰

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