Chapter Three, Practice, Practice, Practice

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Chapter Three, Practice, Practice, Practice

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Chapter Three, Practice, Practice, Practice

As the day of the Swan Lake performance crept closer the more practices Miss Antoinette put on, along with that Savannah Smith was also putting on more practices as she wanted them to compete in the championship this year now that she knew where they had been going wrong, so Imogen had to divide her time as equally as she could between the two, school, spending time with her friends and her Dad, and her homework. Thankfully a week had passed since the new school year had started and she was more than used to her rather full and hectic routine by now. Plus, Cheerleading was held after schools on Mondays and Fridays and Ballet was held after school on Thursday and a Saturday morning so she still had plenty of time to fit everything in, including having a downtime to herself where she re-read Harry Potter and wrote her stories (not including hiking with Ella, shopping with Ella and Leah, and surfing with Leah and the guys on the Rez).

She had also become good friends with the Cullens/Hales (minus Edward who just glared at her all the time and made her uncomfortable), she had been pleasantly surprised the first day of school when they had stayed behind to watch the practice and even brought tickets to Swan Lake; and would now accompany her on hikes (Jasper) and shopping (the girls) and Emmett had introduced her and Ella to some video games. However, every time she thought of or locked eyes with Jasper she couldn't help but blush a bright cherry red, which Emmett and Ella loved to tease her over.

At first it had started off as embarrassment when she had first walked into the office that very first day, but as the day had progressed she had started to, not fully let her guard down, but relax a little with the southern teen. He had a wicked sense of humour, he was a gentleman, he had more empathy in his little finger than most of the teens (both boys and girls) in this town had in their whole body, he was charming and kind, and always tried to make her, Ella and his sisters smile and laugh.

She had however, noticed they didn't talk to anyone besides themselves, herself and Ella but she honestly couldn't blame them as the rest of the school fawned over them, and it wasn't her business anyway. Back to Jasper, Imogen was a little shocked at how they just seemed to click as cliche as that sounded and the bonus, he didn't drool over her or any of the other girls in their cheer outfits like the other guys of the school (except Emmett who adored Rosalie so much it was like looking at a romantic movie. As for Edward he just creeped her and Ella out).

'Okay, I think I may have a teeny tiny crush on Jasper Hale. But at least it's not only for his porcelain skin, fit physique, curly honey blonde hair and amber eyes like the other girls at school.' Imogen thought, as she ran a brush through her hair after pinning a section back. "I'm just going to be friends. If it goes somewhere later on, so be it; but for now that's it." Imogen muttered to herself, fanning her cheeks as she finished getting ready for school.
Checking in the mirror to make sure she hadn't spilt anything on her black turtle neck top and blue three-quarter length jeans; satisfied there was nothing she slipped on her back combat boots and checkered peacoat and grabbed her bags.
"Sun - perfect timing, sweetheart." Charlie beamed, spotting his daughter at the top of the stairs, with Ella standing beside him.

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