Chapter 4: The Aftermath

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Night fell upon Adventure Bay like a blanket. The crescent moon rose slowly and darkness enveloped the land. Coral walked up the hill to the Lookout, her finned tail dragging along the grass. Her heart was heavy with dread as she recalled what happened with Tiny. That feeling of someone you look up to betraying you is something Coral was too familiar with. Coral shook her head, trying her best to focus on getting back to Alaska and the others. Ghost had been walking behind her more slowly, but now she was nowhere to be seen. Coral assumed that she must have gone wandering off. Maybe that was for the best, she thought. The itching of her skin was too much now. Coral sneaked off into a bush and quickly took off her wetsuit. She felt relieved when the cool night air hit her skin. As she took off the suit, she untied the rubber band that held her hair together. It poofed out as she pulled the orange strip away. Chuckling slightly as her hair fell over her eyes, Coral put the rubber band around her wrist, practically making it invisible among the curly brown fur. She then left the purple wetsuit on the grass by a tree. "I'll come back for that later." she sighed to herself, leaving the wetsuit. As she walked up to the Lookout, she began to think that she heard voices. She walked forward, curiously. Then, a voice spooked her. "We were wondering if ya'd gone missing or summat." Coral spun around, coming face to face with an Australian Shepard. He had long, well brushed, silky fur and ice blue eyes. He wore a fiery orange bandana and a light blue band on his tail. "How've ya been, Coral? Long time no see, eh!" The dog's voice was loud and energetic, but his posture was stiff and calm. "Oh, h-hey Scout." Coral stuttered, taken by surprise of the sudden encounter. The shepard's fur shone in the moonlight, tinting it silver. Scout was a herding dog, he worked with Farmer Yumi and Al for a few years now. He was a hard-working dog, often seen working with the cattle or sheep. He could herd even the most stubborn of rams without much effort. Him and Bear got along well enough, Bear would give him advice and Scout would help support on any missions that were near the barn. "Ya best get yerself to the Lookout. There's townsfolk there, not too happy they are." Scout's accent was jolly, but Coral could tell he was serious. She nodded briefly and turned back to the Lookout. Scout followed and began asking her questions about her day, not mentioning anything about where the pups were or what was going on. Maybe that was for the best, Coral thought to herself. As they approached the Lookout, the voices became clearer. Mayor Goodway was there, sounding panicked and there was also Katie, her tone unpleasantly sad. Coral quickened her pace, eager to say what she'd found out. Suddenly, something crossed her path and halted her. Coral jumped back and groaned irritably as Bear stood before her, his eyes dull and weary. "Where have you been.?" Bear let out an irritated growl. Bear's tailtip twitched annoyed and his eyes burnt into Coral's pelt. "I need to see Tiny." Coral bluntly said, her head hung low to avoid Bear's gaze. As she stepped forward, Bear shoved her backwards. "I asked you a question!" Bear shouted, shocking Coral. Bear always had a fowl temper on him, but he rarely resorted to violence. "Woah there, mate." Scout had stepped forward, facing Bear dead-on. Coral backed up slightly, giving Scout more room. She was expecting Bear to snap at Scout as his ears pinned against his head. However, his gaze softened and his head swung to the side. "Fine, I guess my questions are just irrelevant to you, Coral." Bear scoffed bitterly. 
Coral turned away from Bear, looking at the remains of the Lookout. The entire top floor was gone and the lights flickered constantly. Some debris sheltered the top, acting like a roof. It was reinforced by what seemed to be a large cloth carpet. Coral took a few steps forward, careful not to anger Bear anymore than he already was. His eyes followed her, but he didn't move as Scout watched him carefully. Dim candlelight glowed from the cracks in the wall. Coral's eyes scanned the building, noticing the voices better now. She took in a deep breathe, and walked into the building. At once, there was a silence then a loud chatter erupted. All voices around her were raised and aimed at her. Mayor Goodway held a flustered Chickaletta in her arms, her silver feathers groomed neatly and eyes wide. She clucked confused. Mayor Goodway seemed to be in rough condition, her blue jacket was stained in dust and her dark brown hair was frizzy and untidy. The mayor's eyes were wide with alarm as she screamed frantic questions at the spaniel. The others in the crowd copied her as everyone shouted over each other. There were so many people talking, it was hard for Coral to make out who was speaking. "Coral, where have you been?!" "What's happened to Ryder?" "Are you ok?" "Where is everyone?" "What happened?" "What was that sudden storm about?" Coral frantically looked around, desperate for someone to intervene. As if summoned by her thoughts, the crowd parted as a large dog limped forward. Coral smiled gratefully as Alaska looked at the people. "Give her a chance." Her voice seemed strained and tired. Now that Coral looked closer, she noticed Alaska's pelt was dirty and scruffy, her paws dusty from probably digging through the rubble. Alaska's blue and brown eyes were dull and weary, like Bear's. She looked somberly down at Coral, as if she was waiting for her to speak. "Coral, can you tell us what you found.". Surprisingly, Coral couldn't find the words to begin with. She was so desperate to tell Alaska what she'd found out about Tiny, but she didn't know how to begin. Coral tapped her paws nervously, trying to come up with something quickly. Then, she noticed behind Alaska that the opening of the elevator was covered with purple drapes. Mr Porter walked out, followed by a tearful Alex. The man held the boy's hand, dragging the upset child out slowly.  "A-Alex?" Coral stuttered, shocked. Alex was a cheery, hyper and slightly annoying little kid, she was not expecting him to be so upset, and why? Alaska turned around to see Alex wiping his eyes and then turned back to Coral with a sad expression. The majority of the crowd flooded over to Alex, comforting the young boy. The others who didn't go over to him walked away. "What's going on with Alex?" Coral whispered, confused. Then, a dark thought entered her mind, encouraged by Alaska's face. "No.. N-no.. Don't tell me that.." Coral's eyes widened as she felt her legs weaken underneath her. Alaska's expression said it all, her eyes were shining and her curled tail drooped. "Please no.." Alaska wasn't going to say it, but Coral could guess. "Tiny.. came back in bad shape.. He.. he can't walk properly. He won't speak, he won't eat.. I'm sorry Coral, I'm so sorry!" Alaska voice was edged with despair, her big eyes full with tears. Coral leapt toward her friend, wrapping her paws tightly around Alaska. Alaska starting sobbing as Coral embraced her, her body quivered. Coral felt hot wet tears falling down the back of her neck.

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