38- watch another girl fall

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"That's alright sweetheart... wow you're pretty ain't you ?" He laughed, his hand reaching out to brush over my waist as I took a small step back. "Nice smile."

It was clear the guy had no idea who I was, not that I think that would've made a difference in the situation but it was crystal clear he hadn't heard my name before. I smiled uneasily beneath him, my body tense and stiff as it tried to edge back from his.

Roger turned the corner with a bouquet of flowers in his hold, the other hand still in his pocket as his eyes lifted from the floor to find mine trapped with the glare of the man I had no name for as he prized me below him. Roger didn't exactly know what response he was supposed to have, which I could blame my still smiling (even though it was very much falsely) lips for.

My eyes managed to only very quickly and very briefly meet Roger's, and through only the split second they caught one another I could tell he wasn't happy. He didn't seem too angry, but at that moment he had almost no reason to be outraged, so the frustration in them was reasonable, but he did seem hurt almost. It was a mixture of emotions that his eyes held in that moment, and I managed to discover none of them were positive, and they all blended into a jealously that never did quite make sense,

"So are you single ? Cause I'd love to take you out sometime." His hand brushed past my waist again, this time travelling further up my frame, which I immediately jerked back from. His brows looked slightly confused as I shook my head, edging backwards from him as Roger rushed to stand besides me, suddenly aware of the situation.

"No she's not single. She's with me." Roger announced with a sense of pride, wrapping his fingers that had been kept in the warmth of his pockets with mine as I nodded- a small giggle passing my lips that I didn't quite expect.

"Really ? Shame." The man mumbled, a disgust amongst his features as they scanned Roger.

"Yeah. Really."

"Well... you could have much more fun with me darling."

"That I doubt." I replied, laughing as Roger dragged me round to the next isle, where we both immediately turned into a fit of laughter once the man was clear from our views and like he hoped our voices that were far too loud.

I didn't necessarily find the entire situation funny, but it wasn't something I was even likely to recall tomorrow, and in the moment of time I was easier to laugh about it. Roger knew that too, even though really he had little idea, he still just went with the flow of the moment and how it worked.

"He was scary. Jesus. I thought he was hitting on you at first." Roger sighed with relief as I shook my head, his hand parting with mine. "I'm kinda glad he wasn't."

"Oh really ?" I laughed a little, the sarcasm in my tone maybe too heavy as we walked lazily over to the tills.

"Yeah... I mean look at him. If you would've dated that thing I would've been offended." Roger scoffed a little, chuckling only slightly as I shrugged. "At least I could say with pride that I'm still the most attractive person you've slept with."

"Oooo I don't know Roger... I did have quite a bit of fun over the past two years. You might have some competition."



"Seriously ? This is what you picked ?" Roger asked, a heavy disbelief in his tone as he flung open the bathroom door, looking down at this outfit and then at me as I nodded a nod full of a genuine seriousness. "Really ?"

"Yeah, why do you keep questioning it ?" I laughed almost as the shock subtly drained from his features, ultimately watching as they blurred into wearing a subtle gratefulness.

More than just a friend || Roger Taylor Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora