"Out, creature!" Lord Rhoop comes from behind us wielding a sword-the sword-and tosses it at Eustace, thinking he's the enemy.

"The sword! The sword!" Caspian attempts to stop him, but it's too late.

Eustace wails as the sword lodges itself in his shoulder.

"Eustace!" Y/n calls to him, waving her arms frantically.

The dragon keeps his eyes on her briefly, bows his head, and flies away.

"Come back!" I yell at him, "Eustace stop!"

Y/n grabs me roughly and spins me so I'm facing her. Her eyes are calm, though her appearance would suggest she's anything but that. Her hair is matted too her face with sweat and water, her lips are slightly blue from the cold air, and there's a slight bruise forming on her cheek from when she hit the deck earlier. Despite all of that, Y/n's eyes are serene. I don't know why, but I feel the same feeling come over me.

"Turn this ship about!" The lord says in his constant panicked tone as he climbs to the quarterdeck and forcibly takes the wheel.

"Someone stop him!" Caspian angrily yells, his voice cracking from the intensity of his shouts.


We're tossed off our feet once more as the lord jerks the wheel to the right. Luckily, Drinian pushes him down and takes the wheel from him.

"Aft crew," he commands confidently, "to your rowing positions! Oars at double speed!"

"Aslan, please help us," Y/n's quiet voice whispers a small prayer next to me.

As she does so, a small beam of light comes through the clouds, and a little white bird appears-it's pale feathers in stark contrast to the black sky behind it. I look at the Queen, and she gives me the tiniest hopeful smile. I return the expression.

As Drinian begins to move the ship, the serpent dives in and out of the water towards us. I grip Y/n's shoulder tightly as the waves from the beast's movements shake the boat. I see the serpent coming and throw Y/n and I out of its way, and it leaps over the Dawn Treader, its thick body beginning to wrap tightly around the ship.

Wood cracks, ropes snap, crewmen fall overboard. I feel the tension in the boards creaking underneath me at the serpent tightens its grip, spraying water everywhere as it loops its body twice around the boat.

It's face reappears on one side of the ship, and I begin to try to form a plan in my head.

"Ed! Ed!" Caspian waves to me from the wheel, "we ram the serpent, smash him on the rocks!"

I nod to him and help Y/n up.

"Steer her to port!" I shout back, wiping my face of all the water as rain begins to pour, "I'll keep it on the prow!"

I turn towards the serpent to get its attention, but I stop in my tracks. I realize what I'm about to do, and remember my promise I made to Y/n. I turn and look at her, and her eyes are brimmed with tears though her face is set in an expression of pride and determination. I feel my face soften as I take her face in my hands.

"I know I promised," I begin, but she puts her hands to my face and shakes her head, cutting me off.

"I know," she says, tears falling down her face, "I know."

"If...if I don't make it back, tell Peter and Susan that-"

"Stop," Y/n says firmly, "You're not going to die here. Narnia isn't done with you yet, neither is home, and neither am I. It's not your time."

A smile crosses my lips for a split second, remembering where she first said those words. She was right then; she's right now.

"I love you," I pull her into the strongest hug I can muster, and I feel her cheek press against my neck as her fingers curl up into my hair.

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