Chapter Twenty-Four

Comincia dall'inizio

Cedric wasn't sure what to say. There was no context to go off but he knew she needed some kind of advice, though maybe he wasn't the best person to be giving it. 

"You can't avoid him forever, Alastriona. You should think of everything he's told you, all the little things he's said to you, all the things he's trusted you with... think of how much you trust him." Cedric advised. Alastriona's hunched up shoulders dropped as she let out a deep breath.

"You're right—" Alastriona glanced up at him and smiled tiredly, "You're pretty wise, Ced, did you know that?"

He chuckled and shrugged, "I'll have to agree with you on that." He smiled as she laughed at him and shook her head, messy curls falling into her face. "Come on," He stood up and nodded to kitchen doors, "let's go for a walk." 

Alastriona drank the last bit of her hot-chocolate, thanked the House-Elves, and left with Cedric.

 Cedric and Alastriona sat with each other at dinner in the Great Hall that night and chatted happily with some of the Hufflepuff quidditch team as well, talking about tactics and who would be on the teams next year for the other Houses

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Cedric and Alastriona sat with each other at dinner in the Great Hall that night and chatted happily with some of the Hufflepuff quidditch team as well, talking about tactics and who would be on the teams next year for the other Houses. 

When they finished dinner Alastriona and Cedric stood up to leave, Cedric wanted to try and get an early nights sleep for the Second Task tomorrow and Alastriona wanted to write a letter to her Uncle Finn and her grandparents too, just to keep them updated on her time at Hogwarts.

"Miss Breen." Alastriona turned her head, she'd nearly made it out of the Great Hall but stopped when Professor Sprout called her.

 Alastriona was shocked to see Professor Sprout with a deep frown on her face and looking hesitant to even speak, the professor's eyes flickered quickly to Cedric then back to Alastriona. "I need you to come with me, please."

Alastriona looked to Cedric and shrugged, "I'll see you tomorrow, Ced, sleep well." She reached up and hugged him tightly before walking with Professor Sprout through the halls of Hogwarts. "Am I in trouble, Professor?" Alastriona asked, though she couldn't remember anything that'd make Professor Sprout need to issue a detention... although she never did show up to that detention with Snape.

Professor Sprout had lead Alastriona to Professor McGonagall's office. When she stepped inside she found Hermione, Ron and a very young girl she didn't recognise however she boar many similarities to Fleur Delacour.

Professor McGonagall was standing looking rather grim and Headmaster Dumbledore was smiling cheerfully at Alastriona as she entered the office.

"Wonderful!" He said happily, "Now that you're all here I'd like to explain to you why you're here. For the Second Task the Champions must retrieve something from the Great Lake, and that something will be someone that they hold very dear." Alastriona blinked, then blinked again, she wasn't quite sure she understood. "I will be placing each of your under a spell that will place you into a deep sleep, you'll then be taken to the Great Lake where the merpeople will take you under their protective care. It will be the Champions task to rescue you and bring you all to the surface."

Alastriona's heart was thumping dangerously in her chest, Dumbledore didn't seem to notice.

"I assure you it is perfectly safe, if, for some reason, the Champion is unable to reach you within the hour assigned you will be delivered safely to the surface, you have my word." 

Alastriona was breathing heavily at this point and Professor Sprout came to her aid and stood in front of her, "Alastriona, dear, breathe." Alastriona took in a shaky breath through her nose, "Tell me what's wrong."

"I—I can't go in the Great Lake, I nearly drowned there once, I-" She stopped and clenched her hands into fists, "I can't swim." She admitted in a whisper but it didn't matter, everyone could hear her. "I don't want to drown."

Professor Sprout gripped Alastriona's hands tightly, "I assure you that I won't let anything happen to you, you'll be completely safe, once you reach the surface Cedric will bring you straight to the stands and Madame Pomfrey will be right there too." 

Dumbledore had made his way closer to her, standing in front of the four children, "Miss Breen, I give you my word that nothing shall happen to you." His voice, once cheerful, was now serious as he vowed Alastriona's safety. 

Alastriona couldn't help but think of Cedric in this moment, this was for him, he was going to win and he needed Alastriona to play her part. 

"Okay." Alastriona whispered her agreement.

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