Chapter 10: Secret Video?

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Dan's pov
Phil left the apartment with Daniella. I think they were going birthday shopping. I don't know. Since I stupidly broke my laptop I had to use Phil's to do the live show tonight. I quickly logged on and started the live show.
"Hi!" I say.
"So how have you guys been?" I ask.
"I've been pretty good, um, we got this new neighbor." I say.
No one wrote anything.
"And it turns out she is my old friend Daniella, you guys remember Daniella right?" I ask.
'Yeah didn't you make a video about her?'
"Yeah I did." I say.
I hope Daniella isn't watching this.
Daniella's pov
I opened the door to my flat. I walked in and put the laptop in a birthday bag or whatever. I decided to watch some YouNows because I am bored. I logged on and saw Dan doing a YouNow.
"Dan does YouNows?" I ask myself.
He was talking
"Yeah I did make a video about her." he says.
'You did?' I quickly type in.
He sees my name.
"Oh hey Daniella...." he says.
I log off and search for the video. I found it and I watched it. Dan was talking about how stupid he was to lose me and stuff like that. I shut my laptop and sigh.

A/N: THIS STORY HAS 1K READS!!! Thank you!!!!! So I finally updated! Yay! So the question is...have you been to Disney World, and if you have, what's your favorite park there? I have been to Disney World and my favorite park is Epcot. Bye!

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