A New Start In Hell.

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You slowly begin waking up for some reason the blow from the bat actually stopped your headache. 'What happened?' You look in front of you to see a demon just starring at you. "Are you going to talk human or what?" You can't talk you start observing trying to think quickly about what to do.
"Your tied up real good human you ain't getting out." Finally you decide to speak. "Are you going to kill me?" "Maybe I haven't thought about it yet." "Listen whoever you are I don't want to be here." "Well buddy you are here and you better get used to it."
"Let's begin with introductions shall we?" "My name is Blitzo I'm the leader of the Immediate Murder Patrol or I.M.P for short." "Yeah I saw your little paper sign on that door." "I'm not talking anymore until you give me your name." "Fine my name is Y/N." "Good now that I got your name we can continue with our lives." "Yeah." "Now Y/N I don't know how you are here or how you got here." "Blitzo WHERE AM I!!" "Hey don't be a spaz king here that's Moxies job." "Ok I'll calm down just tell me where am I?" "Uh I should be obvious your in Hell but not where you should be." "What do you mean by should be?" "So Hell is made up of 7 rings regular humans like you should be in the pride ring you are not there which makes no since." "Is the pride ring better then this place?" "Listen Y/N Hell is like a really shitty neighborhood ok you got the shitty parts and the REALLY shitty parts." "Ok I'm starting to get it now." "Ah a fast learner ok I'll cut you a deal." "What is it?" "I and the rest of the I.M.P let you live if you help us out business is the worst it's ever been." "What do you guys do?" "If someone here wants some buddy dead on Earth to Earth and kill them then come back here." "So your like hitmen." "No we're not like hitmen we are uh accidentally hitmen is the better term but we don't use it." "Alright so what do you want me to do?" "I'll cut you free then we can go to the main office and discuss stuff there." Blitzo walks behind you and cuts you free and give you back your stuff. "Thanks for giving me my stuff back and not killing me." "Don't thank me seriously don't thank me because I could have smashed your brain out with the bat." 'Jeez he sounds like he's talking from experience.' You both walk towards the office and he opens the door you see a female demon, another male demon, and a female wolf only a few years younger than you. You take a seat and he steps in front of a white board. "Attention everyone I am pleased to announce a new member of the family Y/N!" "So he didn't kill you lucky bastard names Moxie this is Millie my wife." "SOOOOO glad he didn't kill you because that was my idea to kill you." The female wolf is just starring at her phone didn't know they made them here in Hell. "Loona sweetheart say hello to our new friend." She takes a glance at you and drops her phone you can see her eyes almost sparkle. You stand up and pick up her phone. "Here you dropped this." She can't move she's paralyzed. Loona POV. 'He is perfect for me perfect body, personality, kindness, and he noticed me and talked to me.' "Uh...thanks." I take my phone back blushing lightly but I think he noticed it. "Aw Loona does he make you happy?" 'I want to say yes is this a dream I got to leave.' I get up and leave the room. Y/N POV. "Does she normally do this?" "Never guess she really liked you but don't get any bright ideas ok." "Alright but I was just being nice giving her back her phone." "Yeah ok so let's talk about what you'll be doing starting tomorrow." 'Hope it's not something crazy.' "You'll be doing paperwork." "Are you kidding me?" "Relax it's simple I'll explain tomorrow but for now get some rest." "I don't think I can go back outside." "You can sleep here there's a sofa in the lobby which you used to barricade the doors with move it and make yourself at home." You get up and leave the room but you notice something in the break room.
It's Loona chugging wine. "Are you ok Loona?" She looks at you before hiding behind a cabinet. "I'll just be on the sofa if you need me." You leave her alone after that and go. 'Does she actually like me or is she just surprised to see a human here?' You go to the sofa and move it back against the wall then lay down on it. 'Not bad thought it'd be worse.' You turn to your side and go to sleep.
Loona POV. I go to the lobby and see him he looks so cute sleeping. I can feel the alcohol starting to get to me so I leave him be hopefully tomorrow I can have a conversation with him that isn't awkward and 2 seconds long. A/N. Ok so I've been seeing some comments of people talking about my grammar. I sometimes forget to start a new paragraph ok? Also I'm still new to writing so cut me some slack. ShiningWarrior signing off.

Y/N x Loona. Love In Hell (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now