Yuseff II

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Well, wasn't that little story um... something. Honestly, I never cared for fairy tales and bedtime stories growing up. There weren't any Maiors protecting us. My childhood wasn't, well, the best. While Olin blissfully enjoyed his nuclear family, thousands of kilometers away, I was on my way home from school. I was six and carrying a backpack almost as big as I was.

Oh yeah, introductions. I'm Yuseff Bomani, the actual protagonist. [Fatima's telling me I shouldn't be saying that, but it's the truth.] I was an Olili boy living in Khito. That same day I was humming as I marched down the roads of my hometown. I'd almost made it to my apartment complex when I heard some commotion coming from an alley.

"Hey! Stop it!" a voice yelled. I ran around the corner and ducked behind a dumpster to check out what was going on.

"You're gonna hurt her!" the voice called out. I could see it was a man. He was handcuffed to a pole. Across the alleyway was an officer and a young girl. She looked no older than me.

"Leave us alone!" she cried, "He did nothing wrong!"

"Get out of here kid." the officer said, "Before I arrest you too."

"Go home Fatima." the man cried, "I'll be okay."

"No. This isn't right. You didn't do anything." she replied. Turning towards the officer, she yelled, "Why are you doing this?"

"He resisted arrest." he replied, "Now I'm taking him in."

"Arrest for what?" she asked, "You're arresting him for no reason."

"Listen girl." he said, sounding more threatening, "I'm not gonna stand here and be told how to do my job by some little kid like you. Now get out of here before I arrest you too. Final warning."

"Arrest me for what?" she asked.

"Obstructing justice."

"Obstructing justice?!" she repeated, "What kind of justice is this? You're arresting a man for nothing! I'm not going anywhere."

"No." the man cried, "Get out of here Fatima. There's no reason for you to get into trouble."

"That's it." the officer said, "You're both going down." He pulled out another pair of handcuffs and started to place them on Fatima's wrists. The officer slammed the cuffs down harder than necessary. The sharp metal started to dig into her skin.

"Stop it!" she yelled, struggling to break free from his grip, injuring her wrist further. "This isn't right."

"Stop resisting." the officer said, "You'll only make this worse on yourself."

"Please." the man cried, "Let her go! She doesn't know what she's doing." She started to scream for help.

"I'm going to need some backup." the officer said into his radio. I watched from my hiding spot and couldn't bear to sit idle. This was our world, this was our reality. This was Kmet.

The autocratic empire spread across over a thousand islands in the Bahr Sea. Three major groups inhabited these islands: the Olili, the Vasilikos, and the Kraanish. The Vasilikos were the royals, the upper class. They weren't natives of this land. Well, for the most part. A little over a hundred years ago, their islands of Vasileo took control of our then country, Olum. They merged our two nations together to make Kmet.

Their sienna skin matched the clays their mansions were built from. Long straight hair draped their shoulders like the gowns and robes they'd wear. Many even dyed their hair to mimic the silk's vibrant colors. They lived to rule. Nothing brought them more happiness than to order around their servants, the Olili and Kraanish.

Maiorsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें