Chapter 1

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Lady Magic was well known in the wizarding world because well... she was magic. Lady Magic watched sadly down on earth where Albus Dumbledore was destroying her gift when she got the most wonderful idea. She slowly reached out her palm and watched as a beautiful ball of light slowly took the form of a human child, her son. 

It took a few moments but her son finally opened his eyes. Lady Magic took a good look at her beautiful creation. He had eyes of pure gold and his baby hair was colored a beautiful white. His face was so beautiful that even beauty itself couldn't compare. She named him Hadrian.

"आप, मेरे हेड्रियन पृथ्वी के शासक और फिक्सर बनेंगे और आपकी देखभाल करने के लिए आपके पास एक आदर्श आत्मा साथी होगा। मैं आशा करती हूँ कि तुम्हारी पृथ्वि कि यात्रा मंगलमय/शुभ हो, मेरे " (You, my Hadrian will become the ruler and fixer of earth and will have the perfect soulmate to care for you. I wish you well on your journey to earth my child.)( plz correct me if I'm wrong. I'm stupid T-T )she said in her language as she kissed Hadrian's sleeping figure and with a wave of her hand, he was gone.

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