The Deal is the Deal

Start from the beginning

Slowly, they all start to understand. Inej breaks the silence.

"So that's why he locked you up. And you are fine with that now? How can you forgive him so easily? You could have died."

"Because he did exactly what I would've done in his position," I state, though I hate to admit it. I can't blame him for thinking I was with Pekka this whole time. Miscommunication sucks. If only Kaz were less stubborn to realize.

Inej yawns. "I guess Saints really do guide you home. Even if home means a brooding gang leader."

I smile. "Yes, but I don't know how long Kaz will be pissed at my existence, so I am going to Ravka after we get our cash reward. I'm going to make a better life for myself, start new."

"Little Palace?" Jesper asks, already knowing the answer.

"Yep, wanna come with?" I offer.

He slings an arm around Wylan. "I would, but I don't think the Grisha will allow a red-headed demo expert as my luggage."

I can still notice Wylan's blush in the lantern light. "Understandable."

We all start heading down to our cabins. When Inej and I get settled into bed, I have one more thing to say.

"'Nej, promise me that you'll visit me in Ravka during your voyages on the sea."

"You know I will. I am actually going there to find my family and make sure that they are okay," she explains.

I gasp. "Does that mean you are coming to Ravka with me?"

"You know it."

There is a sunrise at the end of this journey. I have a plan set in place. In three weeks, I'll begin the life that I need.


The bitter winds don't relent for the first week of the journey back. I think about Novyi-Zem and the sunshine that never seizes there. Anywhere but Ketterdam. I go to the small cabin where Nina kept me alive on our way to Fjerda. There, Matthias is basically falling asleep on a chair as Nina stares at the ceiling, a mess.

I tap Matthias' shoulder. "Go above decks and get some fresh air. I'll stay with Nina for a bit."

He looks wary, but goes up anyways. Our relationship is mending. He didn't even give me a hateful glance when he left. Nina looks grateful to see me and immediately opens her mouth to speak, though I already know what she is going to ask.

"No, Nina, I am not giving you parem. I don't even have any on me," I say.

She gives me a look.

"And I am not stealing some from Kuwei either."

She lays back down and stares at the ceiling in defeat, but her hands grip the table she is on.

I try to make some light of this situation. "How the tables turn, I am now taking care of you on this ship."

She gives a slight smile, but it's not the happiest. "You don't understand, Y/N. I can hear everything. Right here where I lay, I can hear Inej's steady heartbeat from the crow's nest. I can hear Jesper's erratic heartbeat, and how Kaz's breath hitches whenever he sees you. It is like he is seeing you for the first time, everytime."

The Red Ribbon {Kaz Brekker X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now