"Thank you. Although I didn't want an audience." I say as I enter the kitchen. I grab a bottle of juice and pour a glass. I sit at the table.

  "I apologize for interrupting your afternoon, Kaylee. It was just a misunderstanding on my part when Logan said he was going to lunch. I just assumed he was coming here. I was going to eat on his dime." His face was red!

  "Its alright, Alex. Just don't get into the habit of listening to us." I drank my juice then stood to rinse my glass. "Logan, I'm going home. It's been a long day already."

  "Ok, sweetheart. I'll be there as soon as I can. We will talk about what went on at your office and figure things out together."

  "No worries. Don't worry about me. I've been screwed over before and came out on top. After all, I'm a Tucker. I love you. See you soon." I reached for a kiss. "Later, Alex. You guys be careful."

  "You too, Kaylee!" Alex replied.

  "I love you too, Kaylee! Be safe and call or text when you get home."

  I nod and walk to the door. I get in my truck and see Logan standing there watching me. He blows me a kiss and waves. I return with my own as I drive away.

  My phone rings as I'm unloading the few groceries that I picked up, from my truck. I answer Jamey's call. "Hey! What's up? We just saw each other."

  "Just wanted to ask your opinion." He says nervously.

  I grin at how uncertain he is. I have a feeling that it is about his date. I kick my front door closed as I carry my load to the kitchen.

  "What do you need help with, big brother?" I ask.

  "Should I take Shawna to Del Rio? Or Momma Tia's Casa?"

  "I would choose Del Rio. Shawna said that she likes Mexican food first. So that may mean that she likes it the best. But you should call for a reservation quickly. You know they tend to fill up fast on the weekends." I reply easily.

  I feel odd. Something just feels off. Like I'm not alone. I look around my kitchen and dining room. I see nothing out of place.

  Jamey thanks me and hangs up.

  I look on my phone as it starts flashing. I tap the screen and see a woman in my livingroom. She closes the door and takes her hand out of her pocket. She's carrying a pistol! I recognize her. It is Sara!

  I quickly flip the emergency switch and grab my own pistol from my purse. Within moments, I get notifications from Logan, Griffin, poppa, and Jamey. They are all on the way.

  Sara is looking around. Either looking for a place to hide, or for me. I don't know which.

  I take my purse and put it under my sink. Then I take my phone and gun then go into my pantry. I can see that she is going from my hallway into my bedroom. After seeing that I'm not in there, she starts for the kitchen.

  I take a deep breath. I can do this! I'm a Tucker!

   I wait until she passes the pantry on her way to the dining room. I step out of my hiding place and aim my 9mm at her head. "What the fuck are you doing sneaking around my house?" I ask her.

  She stops and turns to face me. She has a sick grin on her face. "So we finally meet. Face to face. I told you that you won't live to see yourself married to Logan. Today is the day that you die." She snarls.

  "You don't seem to understand the situation, Sara. You are violating my house. You may have a 22 pointed at me, but I have a 9 pointed at your dumbass head. You'll die before I do. Also, my family is on their way here now. They can see everything that happens on their phones. It is called a badass security system." I tell her with a smirk of my own.

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