a mission for you

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"Kagaya.." She mumbled, her voice soft and quiet as she creaked the sliding wooden door open. The only thing he could see from his room was her fingertips. Her nails were a feminine length, and had sharp tips. They were painted in a crisp red that were tempting like candy.

The wind outside blew a mellow breeze, some wind flooding into his room. His long hair flowed elegantly, before placing itself back around his sickly face. Flowers of every color decorated the dreamy garden outside of his room, and the trees beamed a wonderous shade of jade.

He smiled, telling the sweet girl to enter the room. She did so, walking through the doorway. When he smiled, his lavender eyes squinted ever so slightly, expressing genuine contentment in reaction to her arrival."You called for me, sir?" She adjusted her uniform, which was the mens uniform in it's smallest size. Her dark red kimono was made of the purest silk around, perfectly enhancing the charm of her nails and overall image.

Master Kagaya was always in bliss when he spoke to her. The most kindhearted of the Hashira, no less. Sympathetic and Sweet, beauty written up her soft skin and down her (h/c) hair.

"Sit, my child. I have a request for you."

As she did, she sat with her knees on the ground and her butt on her feet. Her hands rested against her thighs as she patiently waited for his orders.

He sat up more properly from his futon. Kagaya Ubuyashiki was a weak and brittle man. He was no fit for a demon slayer; but his overwhelmingly powerful attitude and strive to move past the demons, that is what crowned him as the most suitable leader of the prestigious Demon Slayer Corps.

Despite his high ranking, he was deathly ill. His young children are already preparing themselves to take his place, but he plans to fight until his last breath.

"My child, I have a mission for you in a city west from here. It is quite far, but I am confident that the distance will be no hindrance to you."

The girl nodded at the remark, and listened as he went on. "A recently acknowledged member of the Corps... Kamado Tanjiro... had an encounter with Muzan Kibutzuji, the leader of all demons. I am sure you know of this already."

Looking to the side in wonder, she tapped her lip with the tip of her fingernail. Pointing it upwards, she returned a positive response. "Ah yes- the boy with the demon sister. I have grown quite fond of those two."

He nodded. "I am glad you can get along with people so easily, unlike your partner, Sanemi.." The girl smiled to herself, recalling the oddly compatible partner she was usually paired with for missions. Her partners endless attitude was more humorous to her than anyone else. That man was like a steaming volcano, constantly blowing and activating once more.

"Anyways," he took a deep breath, his hands coming to the side of his white robe for support, "We have grown rather curious after that encounter, and want to see what the area is like after he had appeared there. Just simple things: if a demon was created, if people are disappearing, anything of the such."

He folded his brittle hands on his lap, a tranquil smile crossing his sallow face. "This mission is unkown, but we have decided the most suitable for it is you, The Spirit Hashira, (Y/n).."

She straightened her posture, bowing towards him, letting her forehead touch the ground.

"I accept with no disaccord, Master."

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