01. Together Once More

Start from the beginning

"So we are going to cross the Red Sea in this?" Jotaro asked.

"We can stay out of sight this way." Kakyoin says.

Polnareff marvelled in the submarine as Kichou just looked around.


A few minutes into the Submarine trip everyone was getting comfortable. Mr. Joestar went to call someone on the phone as the rest remained quiet. Once he was done, everyone settled down.

"Hey! Make the coffee already!" Polnareff whined.

"Make it your damn self!"

"Once you're crippled, I'm going to make one for you." Kakyoin and Kichou simultaneously says to Polnareff.

Kichou and Kakyoin prepared everyone's coffee. While preparing, Kakyoin elbowed Kichou gently on her arm. 

"I saw you and Jotaro." He whispered. "Are you dating?"

"Oh just shut up and make the oaf his damn coffee." Kichou playfully dismissed the cherry haired boy. "But to answer your question, No. Besides, we are in a life and death situation here." 

Kakyoin just smirked.

"Hey! I can see Africa! We are here." Avdol declared.

"Finally in Egypt."

"Yes Finally here..."

Kichou was quiet as she put six coffee mugs on the table.

"Kichou, why did you make seven cups. There are only six of us." Jotaro asked looking at Kichou in the eyes.

"Huh? That's weird. I specifically remember I had six cups." Kichou says wondering. 

Mr. Joestar just ignored as suddenly, on the spot, the mug melted cutting off Mr. Joestar's artificial hand.

"What the!?" Kichou says in shock. "A stand got on the sub!" 

Mr Joestar's fingers were sliced up as it lodged itself on his throat. Jotaro quickly manifested Star Platinum as the stand melted on one of the meters.

Suddenly, the phone rang.

"Eh?" Kichou lookes at Jotaro who went to answer the phone. She cannot hear much since he was mumbling. Once done with the phone call, they went back to business. 

"Kayoin, did you see which meter it became?" Jotaro asked.

"Maybe... this one.." Kakyoin says so unsure.

Kichou looked around cautiously. 

"No! Jotaro! She's already moved. It's behind Kakyoin!" Avdol announced. Kakyoin froze, stunned as the stand attacked him. Kichou, being attentive, pushed Kakyoin off the target.

The stand did not harm Kakyoin but it made a laceration on Kichou's face. 



They simultaneously called as she touched her face. It was a deep clean cut on her forehead, staining her silver hair with red.  

The stand transferred from one place to another. Kichou glared at the stand's restlessnes.

"Everyone, lets get the doors. It's transforming itself without knowing and moving around." Avdol announced. Polnareff carried Mr. Joestar as Jotaro assisted Kichou. 

"Kiiyan, are you all right?" Kakyoin asked.

"I'm fine. I'm going to beat the shit out of this stand users face when I get to her." Kichou gritted her teeth.

"Let's go to the next room. I'll trap it in there." Before they even knew it, the Door handle became the stand. Avdol quickly let go as it was about to slice her, the Star platinum had already caught its hand. 

"Awesome! You got her!" Polnareff cheered.

"What an ugly stand." Kichou says relaxing a bit.

"It doesn't move as fast as Star Platinum. What do we do with it?" Jotaro asked.

"Jotaro, Don't think about it! You don't have to be nice. Hurry up and just tear it apart."

Yet Polnareff's suggestion was all too late as the stand already shifted to being a razor and wounding Jotaro's hands.


"It even got Jotaro... Who the hell is this?" Kakyoin asked particularly to no one. 

Mr. Joestar woke up with a grunt. While the stand was hissing at Jotaro.

Avdol quickly opened the door. "This place is filling up with water! Trap her here. Think about what to do with it later."

"Leave her Jotaro! It's transforming again!" Kichou says holding her bloodied hand from her wound on to Jotaro's wrist.

"You... I, Kujo Jotaro, will personally beat you to death." He declared as he held his bloodied hand to Kichou's own bloodied hand as they run into the next room.


The rest of the Crusaders hurriedly made a plan as they prepared their scuba diving gear.

"Shit... The Red sea is known for being extremely warm—temperatures in its surface waters reach than 30° Celsius  and water evaporates from it at a prodigious rate, making it extremely salty" Kichou gritted her teeth. "Our wounds will be stinging so bad after this." She says.

Mr. Joestar hurriedly instructed all of them. "By the way, you can't talk in the water" Mr. Joestar says teaching some signs.

"Can't we just talk using our stands?" Avdol asked.

"That's true! I forgot!" Mr. Joestar says.

"I also know one hand signal!" Polnareff says as he started to create some signs.

"I can see your underwear?" Kakyoin guessed in which Polnareff cheered.

Kichou shook her head in disbelief. 


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2022 ⏰

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