Genshin Smut | Sangonomiya Kokomi

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It's a very special day. It's your birthday! You decide to finally travel to inazuma. But not just anywhere in inazuma.. you decide to travel to the sangonomiya shrine. Where kokomi lives. Well according to the myths.

You begin to travel to the boat to sail to inazuma. It takes 2 days to arrive. But once you do you meet a very nice boy named Thoma. You talk a bit and meet ayaka, Raiden and yae miko.

You decide its time to travel to kokomis island bit you soon realize that whould be hard. You have to swim a long distance in the water. Which is very hard cause I have the possibility to drown or get taken away by some sea monster.

You try to swim but then you fell a weird shiver down your spine.. you swim faster and faster. But that was a mistake. You lose stamina quickly and slowly sink under the water as your drown.


You wake up in a very strange area. You realize your on watasumi Island. But how? I was just in the city of inazuma awhile ago. Meh. It's fine let's get moving to explore. As you say that and try to get up your hears someyone walking in the hallway. The walking gets louder and louder as it come closer to you. You close your eyes tight and hope it goes away. It did. But when you open up your eyes. There is a beautiful woman. You realize it's the one and only Sangonomiya Kokomi.

You talk a bit to get to know eachother better. You guys go get food, drinks and even go watch TV shows of people fighting the Raiden shogun and her army.

You get super tierd and fall asleep. But when you wake up you see something you shouldn't of saw. Kokomi is standing on top of you naked. She strips down my clothes and starts to suck on my dick. It felt so good. After she was done she wanted me to fuck her. So I stuck my cock inside her vagina. She starts to let out moans of pleasure and you start to fell something. You fell your dick twitching. Which can also mean one thing. Your about to cum. You decide to yell (IM GONNA CUMMM~) after you said that your squirted inside her. She screams in pleasure. And before the guards came to see what we where doing. We cleaned the room and kokomi teleported me back to inazuma city. Ever since we have never seen eachother. I kinda miss her. She was so funny and... also a good sucker ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2022 ⏰

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