chapter 4: runes

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6 months later

you spent another week at UA for monitoring to make sure nothing would happen if you traveled, thankfully, everything was ok and you traveled back to the academy.

once you returned, they ran some test on you to see how much control you have over your quirk, it seems that the collar only partially took away your control, you still have control over your telekinesis, telepathy and temperature resistance, in other words you only lost control over a small amount of your powers. However, your energy levels have dropped significantly taking away your ability to regenerate, you do still however have superhuman senses.

Hank developed a drug that will slowly grant you access back to your other abilities, so far it hasn't given you any control back. But, you are still in contact with your friends and uncle back at UA and your relationship with Kirishima has turned into a long distance relationship, you will be going back to see him during your break in about a weeks time, you have been face timing every day and night unless you were really busy.

your training as an X-Men is still continuing and you are getting close to becoming a fully fledged X-Men.

Monday morning

your alarm went off at 6am as per usual, you got up and went to take a shower before turning off your alarm on your phone, you winced from some unhealed scratches you still had from the day before and once you got out of the shower you put on some disinfectant cream to prevent them from becoming infected and really painful.

Afterwards, you got dressed into your uniform and brushed your teeth, afterwards you went into the dinning room to eat some breakfast and have your daily dose of caffeine, you looked at your phone to see a text from Kirishima saying, "good morning pebble! hope you have a good day today!" you smiled at this and replied with, "haha thanks bub, hope you have a good day too!" you smiled and ate the rest of your breakfast.


you went outside to meet Charles for training, he smiled at you and you did the same, " good morning y/n!" he greeted.

"good morning!" you replied, you smiled at him and sat down opposite him, you were both sat at a table, "so what are we doing today?" you asked curiously, he smiled at your curiosity and removed the table cloth, on the table there was recognisable symbols which started to glow, "do you know what these are?" he asked, you looked at him and nodded your head.

"these are runes, my sister Wanda messes around with these" you said answering his question, he smiled at you, "correct" he said with a smile impressed at your knowledge, "did you know that telepaths can also use these runes?" he asked, you looked at him surprised.

"how?" you asked filled with curiosity.

"these runes can give us a little power boost, so we can either go into multiple minds at the same time or we can do things we can't normally do" he said, you looked at him amazed.

"so could I use these?" you asked looking up at him, he nodded his head making you smile at him, "concentrate and these runes will grant you power" he instructed, you nodded your head and started to concentrate, you could feel the power flooding your body and the runes glowed brighter and brighter, all of a sudden, a kite shaped glow appeared on your forehead making your hair float a little.

you stopped once you became overloaded and took a deep breath and the runes stopped glowing, "hmm, impressive y/n, try and do it again" he instructed, you took a sip of water and did as he instructed, over time you got better and better.

you both did this for another hour or so.


you finished training with Charles and you had pretty much gotten the hang of using those runes, well then again it does run in your blood, "excellent work today y/n" praised Charles, "now go and train with logan, he is waiting in the greenhouse for you" he said, you nodded your head and headed over to the greenhouse.

a mutants love Vol 1 (Eijiro Kirishima x y/n)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora