"Hey, Sensei, you told me to be here at 5 right?" Miguel asked the blonde man approaching the two teens.

"Yeah, but today's training is cancelled." he spoke.

"What? Why?" Miguel questioned.

"Because I said so." he answered.

"Well, I brought my friend here. She's looking into joining." Miguel said as the two teens followed the grown man inside the dojo.

"She?" Johnny questioned, turning around.

"Hi." Rory spoke, awkwardly waving.

"This isn't yoga, or dance, or whatever you girls are into." Johnny spoke.

"Excuse me?" Rory questioned as her brows furrowed.

"You're excused. Get out of my dojo." Johnny told her.

Rory scoffed before apologizing to Miguel and walking out.

"Sensei! You need all the recruits you can get." Miguel told him.

"I don't need a girl." Johnny spoke.

"But you need money. And she's loaded. She lives in the hills." Miguel told him.

Johnny looked up at him before rushing out of his office and chasing Rory.

"Wait! Wait!" Johnny yelled.

"What?" Rory spoke, turning towards him.

"You can- You can join. We're just not training today, though." Johnny tells her.

"Why the sudden change of heart?" Rory questioned.

"Because I'm desperate for new recruits." he lies.

Rory looks at him for bit, trying to see if he's lying or not, but she gives in.


"Great. But before you can join I need to see if you're Cobra Kai material." Johnny says.

Rory sighs before following him back to the dojo.

"Both of you. Shoes off, on the mat." Johnny tells the two teens.

They listen and quickly get on the mat. They look at Johnny, waiting for him to tell them what to do.

"Fight!" Johnny yells.

"What?" Miguel questions.

"Fight!" Johnny repeats.

"But she's a girl." Miguel protests.

"What? Scared to get your ass beat by a girl?" Rory smiles.

"Oh, you're on." Miguel gets in a fighting stance.

"Fight!" Johnny yells for the third time.

Miguel strikes first, throwing a punch towards her face, but she quickly moves out of the way. She goes to punch him, but he hits her arm out of the way and strikes a kick to her stomach, sending her to the ground.

Rory groans as she hits the ground, holding onto her stomach.

"Rory! I'm so sorry." Miguel immediately ran to her side.

Rory's hurt act disappeared as she swept Miguel's legs, sending him to the ground. She rushed to get on top of him, and held up her fist as if she was about to punch him.

"Alright." Johnny spoke. "She's on the team."

Rory quickly got up, jumping up and down with a smile on her face. Miguel got up and joined her in her celebration, hugging her tightly.

GOOD HEART, BAD TEMPER - keene, robbyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang