Childe x (emotionless)male reader (alternate ending part one :D)

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(This is for you people who want to feel happy after the events of the first version)

After you fell into the abyss you became a shell of a human, you fell in briefly before Childe did however you two came out as opposites. While Childe was bloodthirsty, constantly wanting to fight and cause chaos, while still being able to express emotion. You were devoid of emotion entirely not showing a shred of emotion even after all these years. You and Childe were both Harbingers, however the Tsaritsa trusted you more than Childe. After all, she knew you wouldn't have any emotions to get in the way of a mission. However, this time you and Childe had a mission together. Get Rex Lapis' Gnosis. You never understood why Childe always clung to you so much, he would follow you around and tell you about his day. All you would ever respond with was a nod or a "mhm", you didn't know how to respond to so much energy and talking. Even before you fell into the abyss nobody ever talked to you, so conversation was often difficult. However, despite all of that Childe seemed determined to befriend you or at least make you smile. You knew this mission was futile, but you didn't feel like pushing away the ginger, so you just let him do his thing. You soon figured out that the other harbingers treated him much worse than you expected, so you are the only co-worker Childe could talk too without getting told to leave them alone and go do his own mission.

Like two weeks into the mission, you could tell Childe was bored. You both knew you had to wait for the traveler so you two could get information through the traveler about Rex Lapis' Gnosis, but Childe was getting impatient and very bored. You on the other hand were fine with waiting, as long as you finished the mission. (Do I know how the fatui actually got the gnosis from Zhongli? yes. Will I acknowledge it and actually make the line of events canon? No.) You played with the cryo vision on your belt, listening to Childe rant about wanting to spar with you for the 6th time today. You looked at Childe as he stared at you expectantly, hoping you would spar with him at least once. "Childe no, I sparred with you yesterday. I'm not sparring with you again today." You failed to mention the fact he got fairly injured from the sparring match. Childe whined at this and dramatically put a hand on his heart spewing something about he couldn't believe you had done this to him. All you did was stare at him before noticing the millielith (how tf do you spell it?) chasing after Aether, the traveler. You looked over to Childe nodding your head over to the staircase so he could save the traveler and begin the first stage of the mission. You would hide in the shadows and gather as much information as possible without being seen, an easy enough first stage. What you didn't expect was for Childe to continue being the way he is during the few downtimes of the mission. You expected him to keep his head completely in the game, but he didn't.

~~woo time skip because i cant stand writing useless filler that takes forever to come up with and overall has no impact on the plot~~~~

Finally, Childe and you were at the Golden House and in position. All you had to do was jump in and distract the traveler so Childe could slip by and get to Liyue Harbor to get the Gnosis. Meanwhile you would unleash Osial at the end of your fight with the traveler to distract Rex Lapis. You heard the doors of the Golden House burst open as the traveler and his flying companion entered, you merely listened as him and Childe went back and forth. Out of the corner of your eye you saw the traveler lunge towards Childe, your vision and delusion glowed as you appeared right in front of Childe using your sword to block the traveler's attack. "What a shame" Childe said while staying behind you, "I never thought it would have come to this." You knew this part of the mission and noticed the sarcasm in Childe's words, but apparently the traveler didn't, to be fair Childe was almost always talking to you, so you noticed the smaller details about his speech. Your eyes widened when you saw the traveler swing for your head using your cryo vision to coat you blade and most of the floor of the Golden House you effortlessly danced on the iced floor. You had the advantage, while you were gliding with ease and striking the traveler, he was struggling to even turn around to attempt to block your attacks. You saw Childe slip out of the Golden House, perfect. You allowed your delusion to light up fully and unleashed it. You and the traveler fought for an extended period of time, when you felt your delusion weakening you froze the traveler in place, only leaving his head unfrozen. You made no small talk as you used the talismans you were given to unleash Osial. Once you were sure you could hear his roaring in the distance you shot out of the Golden House, giving the traveler no time to react. 

Childe groaned as he stared on the Gnosis on the archons waist, knowing it would be harder to get it off him. That was until you practically flashed out of nowhere freezing the geo archon in place snatching his Gnosis without exchanging a word. You glanced up as your hair danced in the wind, narrowing your eyes at the Jade Chamber in the sky. "Cmon Childe, we must go back to Snezhnaya" Childe huffed slightly, "And I wanted to out with a bigger bang" You looked over to Childe and said with the straightest face Childe has ever seen, "Childe how much of a bigger fucking bang than attempting to destroy the harbor?" He laughs before you two get swallowed by a portal that brings you two back to your home region of Snezhnaya. You stretch, popping your back as you knock on the Tsaritsa's door, Gnosis in hand. 

~ i really dont feel like writing this part forgive me~

You sighed as you removed the over-the-top clothing and changed into a more comfortable outfit and walked out into the cold of Snezhnaya, stopping when you hear a familiar ginger call out to you. "M/NNN!" You turned to face the other male, noticing he was carrying a small bag. "Yes Childe?" He grinned from ear to ear and jogged up to you. "Do you want to come have dinner with me and my family?" Your family had moved to Inazuma a while ago, you were about to just walk home but having dinner with Childe and his family didn't sound like a bad option. "Sure-" before you could even finish your sentence Childe had grabbed your hand and started running, leading you to his house. He grins at you as he opens the door to a house, revealing a small child that soon clung to Childe's leg babbling something about big brother. When the young child noticed me standing there, he seemed confused. "Brother who is this?" Childe chuckled and ruffled his brother's hair "This is a friend from work, M/n!" Childe's brother smiled, "A friend of my brother is a friend of mine!" I looked down at the kid and nodded before walking over to the table which held two senior citizens who were probably Childe's parents, and then two other people, likely his two other younger siblings. Childe smiled and introduced you to his family before a small beep was heard and Childe's mother goes to the kitchen to retrieve the meal. You sat down next to Childe not really knowing what else to do. As his mother brings the dinner to the table Childe grins and explains to you what the meal was and why it was cooked after you all said grace to the Tsaritsa. (I dont know if they would pray to her but act like they would.) You ate your food peacefully as Childe continues to explain the importance of this meal to his family.

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