Chapter 14: New Household?

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We sat like that for a few seconds, his lips against mine, and my heart threatening to pound out of my chest. I was too scared to make any type of movement and my eyes were still open, staring into his closed ones. My phone buzzed several times, but I ignored it. His lips were warm and soft but still a little chapped. His palms felt sweaty on top of mine, and he was shaking a little. Maybe he was as excited and nervous as I was. I don't know what it was but something just felt so... right. I wonder if all kisses felt like this.

He slowly pulled away and opened his eyes.

"I... what I mean is... Deuce that wasn't... can you just forget that ever happened?" He asked, looking at me. Never happened? How the heck could he ask me to do that?! I don't ever want to forget this.

"But-" I started.

"Just please don't tell anyone. I have to go. I'm sorry." He said, lifting himself off of my bed before running out of the door. I wanted to chase after him so badly. To tell him how I've been feeling about him since he came here, but something told me he needed time to figure things out. Frankly, so do I. I was so confused. This was Ty. Yeah, I have feelings for him, but why would he do that? Was it because of Gunther? Was he trying to just get back at him for flirting with me all the time? Did he just want to try kissing a boy and I was the only one around? Or did he really have feelings for me too, and is just as confused as I was? If he really does like me, am I ready for us to be more than friends? I've never dated anyone before, yet alone a guy, so I have no idea how to be someone's boyfriend. I need to call him. Wait, what's wrong with me? He just left... Just calm down Deuce, you can figure this out tomorrow.

I ran my fingers through my hair tiredly as I sat back down on my bed. My heart was still pounding; slower than before though. I was about to lay my head down on my pillow before my door busted open. My god father (also known as my uncle) stood there looking extremely angry. I quickly sat up and saw that my phone had several texts from CeCe warning me. That was most likely what all the buzzing was, during the kiss.

"Uncle Frank, what are you doing here?" I said, reading myself for the trouble I was in.

"Did you really think I would leave you by yourself on your birthday? I was going to take you out to dinner with Jenna, but imagine my surprise when I drive up to the house and see a million teenagers trashing it. Deuce Martinez, what do you have to say for yourself, huh?" he said crossing his arms. "I thought I could trust you..."

"You can! This was just a onetime thing, I promise. I've never done anything like this before, and you know that!" He looked at me, still angry but also like he was trying to calm himself down.

"I understand that it's your birthday, and you wanted to have fun, but you should have asked me first. Your only 15."

"Um, I'm 16 now."

"Oh, right." He said sighing. "Look just... go to sleep. We'll discuss this in the morning."

"But the party... Don't you want me to-"

"I already sent everyone home. Goodnight Deuce." He said before closing the door."


I woke up the next morning, remembering the events that last night held. The party, Gunther, Ty, that kiss... I was still confused as to why he would even do something like that. Even if he regrets doing it, now I know he feels something for me. But there's still the risk of what Gunther said... No, Ty would never do something like that. If he doesn't feel the same for me as I do for him, he'll tell me, right? But part of me wanted it to happen again. His lips were just so soft.

I sat myself up in my bed, biting my lip and smiling as I thought of his lips pressed against mine on that very bed. I continued reminiscing, when I smelt the subtleness of food cooking. Then I remembered... Uncle Frank. He was going to kill me, for throwing a party in his house. Ugh. Why is he still here? I had too much on my mind, to think of the consequences I was about to face from my uncle.

I did not regret the party at all though, even if Uncle Frank is going to kill me. After all, if I didn't throw the party, I would have never kissed Ty. I squealed at memory of his lips against mine, yet again. I was so confused, yet happy it happened.

*Knock, Knock*

"Deuce you up?" Uncle Frank said through the door. I got out of bed, and slipped on some shorts.

"Yeah, you can come in." I said. He opened the door slowly and walked in.

"Uh, Jenna made breakfast for us, so wash up and come down stairs. After we eat we'll discuss what happened last night." I swallowed nervously.

"Okay." I said heading to the bathroom. The thought of him sending me to some military school or academy never occurred to until now. What if he sells the house? The last piece of my parents I have left? I got out of the shower, put on some clean clothes and headed downstairs.

There stood Jenna, washing the tools she used to cook in the sink. She was a tall, pretty Asian women with dyed blonde hair with brown highlights or whatever you call them. I only met her a couple times, but she and my uncle had been dating for about 2 years now. She seemed nice enough.

She looked up from the sink and smiled.

"Deuce, good morning. How'd you sleep?" She said sweetly.

"Uh, fine I guess." I said walking up to the counter to sit down. She placed my plate in front of me. Eggs, sausage, and toast adorned the pate colorfully and a glass of orange juice was placed next to it. I looked over to the table to see Uncle Frank eating the same meal, while reading a newspaper. I chuckled softly. Guess that's one thing he and my dad had in common, no matter what they had to read a newspaper at breakfast.

"So, I bet the party was fun right?" Jenna said quietly, winking at me.

"Jenna I can still hear you. Don't encourage his behavior." She laughed and shrugged.

"What? So the kid threw himself a party on his birthday. Cut him some slack! I would have done the same thing."

"That's the problem." Uncle Frank replied, trying to hide his small smile.

"Uh, speaking of that... you're not sending me to some boarding school are you?" Jenna laughed at me warmly as if the mere thought was absurd, but that did nothing to calm my nerves.

"No Deuce, and before you freak out we're not selling the house either."

"So, how are you going to punish me then?" I asked, with an eyebrow raised. I wish he would just tell me already. The suspense is killing me. He looked at Jenna, and she nodded back at him before he turned back to me.

"We've been thinking... and I have to admit, it was probably really stupid of me to leave a teenager alone in a house."

"Really stupid." Jenna blurted.

"As I was saying, it's time for me to take responsibility. Deuce... We're moving in with you."

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