just explaining the story to yall

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So Adrianna Brown is Antonio Browns daughter. She is 14. She LOVES basketball and football obviously bc her dad is in the the nfl and plays for the buccaneers.

Her and her sister alana play basketball together at Beverly Hills High School (sorry I had too). They are the best players on the team. But they do have a hard time on the team bc a couple of girls on the team like to say " people only like you because your dad is Antonio Brown" or " your not even that good at basketball" but y'all try not to let it get to you.

Your dad and Lebron James are good friends like every once in a while Lebron will come pull up to your game and sometime y'all pull up to Bryce and bronnys games.

You've never really talked to Bryce but you follow him on tiktok and you follows you. You have 1.3 million followers on tiktok and 1.6 million on Instagram.

You and your sister have a very close bond. Y'all are also VERY close with your parents as well. Alana have a little crush on bronny but she does know if he likes her back (he does).

Bryce thinks your cute and you think he's cute. But your dad said you can't date until you 15 and you just turned 14. But he had the same rule for your sister as well but that bc she didn't like anyone.
(Also im changing bronny to be 16)


So im going to post your house and bedroom and stuff like that in a little bit so yeah byeeee!

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