His big announcement

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(N) *walking in Mj's room* Wyatt?

(W) Mrs.Pierce

(N) your always over here ever since the commercial shooting you've been coming by

(M) *running over to room* mom

(N) Mj whats going on lately between you and Wyatt?

(M) theirs something we wanted to talk to you about

(N) discuss it in your father's study

(M) alright

(W) you can do it

(M) *walking to Peter's study*

(P) what's everyone doing in here?

(M) father theirs something Wyatt and I need to talk to you all about

(T) you got this little bro

(L) *standing beside Thomas*

(N) tell us

(P) go ahead son

(M) wyatt and I are in a relationship

(P) I've been waiting on you to announce that for some time

(W) you mean you've known?

(P) you kids sneaking around like I did with their mother of course I know I jest wanted my son to be comfortable enough to tell me

(N) you two don't seem that shocked about his announcement

(L) because we have known as well Mrs.Pierce

(T) Mj announced to us awhile back because of their sneaking around

(W) Mr and Mrs.Pierce theirs something I'd like to ask

(N) what is it Wyatt?

(W) can your son move into my new home? That day I went by your place with the moving truck was the day I asked Markus if he would like to move in with me jest only on one condition

(P) what was that condition?

(W) Markus needed to announce our relationship to you both before we did any moving and I had told him I'd be right by his side once he does announce

(P) how long exactly have you two been dating?

(W) six months sir

(N) that was whenever we finished the commercial around a month after it was done, once MJ was getting a job

(M) yes it was mom, we hid it because of paparazzi and everything since our family is so famous Wyatt and I didn't want to be in the publics eye and all the news talks about so we snuck around hiding our relationship, I announced to Thomas before his big concert and then to Leon whenever Wyatt was spending more nights over

(P) well it's good that you were protecting your relationship and worrying about paparazzi were proud of you son and were happy you and Wyatt get this chance to be together, as for the moving in plan we accept it

(W) you do?

(N) of course we do, you boys know how to look out for eachother and of course we accept you both

(W) thank you Mr and Mrs.Pierce

(N) anything to make you boys happy

(T) *hugs MJ* way to go little bro

(M) thanks Thomas

(N) *hugs wyatt* thank you for looking out for our son were happy for you both

(W) I'll always look out for him

(M) *hugs Wyatt* we did it

(W) yeah we did

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