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Jasmine Anderson

"Okay, I have to go but I can't wait to see you." Hailey says. I say goodbye to her before hanging up the phone and tossing it across the bed. Today is the last day we're going to be here in London and as much as I was excited to go back home, I also didn't want to leave. It seems like the days just flew by and there has been so much going on that it seems like it all has been a dream that I'm about to be awoken from. Between our feelings coming out, Alessandro finding out about Lorenzo's feelings, and Leonora being the one that caused so much chaos. It was a lot to happen on one trip.

Yesterday was focused around Leonora and trying to find a way to get to her. Though, that wasn't known until I saw Leonora being dragged in in handcuffs with the detectives that had been working on the case. I was conflicted between being upset and having pity for her. All the things she screamed like a madwoman were like she lost her mind but there were pieces that made sense - when looked at from a different perspective. She talked about how she wanted to bring down Alessandro's and Rafael's company simply because she was tired of her family being in the background and she wanted them to have what we have.

It was anyone's typical thinking whenever your family doesn't have as much as the next. Wishing to be as fortunate and capable but not everyone just thinks to go burn an entire floor building. So, like I said, some of it made sense but some was just beyond.

I sigh before reaching my arms up above me to stretch, hearing my back pop from sitting in one position so long. I get up off of the bed and start walking toward my clothes, smiling at the shirt that I stole from Rafael's side of the closet before leaving their room. I pull out some dark blue denim shorts that stop mid-thigh and start changing out of my clothes. Buttoning up Rafael's dark orange, silk shirt, I loosely tuck it into the shorts since it's still a bit big on me. I find myself smiling as I put my phone in my pocket at the fact that I heard them returning back from whatever they were doing a few minutes ago. I put on some black socks and let my hair down from its braid as I walked to the door.

I open the door to their bedroom without knocking and I hear the sound of the shower on. The bathroom door is still open wide, making me freeze. It has been a while so surely I wouldn't see anything. All I have to do is walk down the hall without looking in that direction and I'll be good.

I don't even have time to even try to answer my own questions that start to form one after the other before my feet start moving and my body is leaning up against the wall. Despite the shower running, I can hear voices and some noise that sounds like groaning. The devil on my shoulder urges me to continue and peek around the corner but the angel says to do otherwise. Still though, I don't stop moving until my head is slightly around the corner and I can see not one of them, but both of them in the shower.

My hand flies up to my mouth to cover the sound of a gasp leaving and my eyes go wide. The glass door of the shower isn't even fogged up and I am able to see them clearly. The way that Alessandro grips Rafael's waist as he pounds into him without any mercy. Rafael's eyes shut tight as he bent over, his hands balled up in fists on the wall. I can't see Alessandro's face entirely, but I can tell that he's biting his lip as he looks down, watching himself thrust in and out of Rafael. I thought seeing them kissing was the hottest thing ever. How very wrong I was.

My pussy clenches at the sight. At the sound they're making, oblivious of my presence. It's like what I imagined when I was younger. All the times I thought about joining in on their "adult activities." To do the things that they are doing right in front of my eyes. The roughness of Alessandro is the thing I crave. The softness of Rafael is the thing I crave. To feel the two differences at once as I come undone between them. The thought of it makes a rush of feelings travel south. Something that was starting to become oh so familiar.

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