2. The Man With the Machete

Start from the beginning

I guess it's my turn next... oh well.

"Hello..! My name's Y/n. I enjoy reading and-" "*cough cough* geek," Sarah cuts you off. Evelyn gives her a rude stare and you just frown.

"It's lovely to meet you all. Even you, Sarah," you finish, giving Sarah along with everyone a gentle smile. Sarah just scoffed, trying to hide her embarrassment. The next person to speak is Evelyn.

"Hey. I'm Evelyn. I enjoy playing soccer and Journaling." Her voice is dull, and she sounds obviously a little irritated at Sarah.

The room stays quiet for a bit. Everyone just stares at each other. You wrap your hair around your finger and unwrap it after it turns a light purple/red color. Pate decides to break the silence.

"Shall we look at our schedule now then?" Pate gives a nervous laugh and holds the crinkled schedule tighter.

You nod, along with the others.


You and all the other girls in the cabin stare down at Pate who's currently holding the wrinkled schedule.

"So tomorrow we have breakfast, then nature walks, then arts and crafts, then freetime, then kayaking, canoeing and swimming, and for last, supper and sitting around a bonfire." We all nod. This seems fun! I can't wait.

"Pfft, as IF we're expected to do these childish activities," Sarah exclaims, rolling her eyes.

"They aren't kiddish activities. All ages can do these activi-" "Shut up!" Sarah interrupts you. What's her problem with everything..?

You bite your lip and don't dare to say anymore. Why can't I just tell her off?! Ugh... You worry that you'll never be able to stick up for yourself.

"You can be quiet. Y/n has a point. You shouldn't always think in such a negative perspective," Evelyn cuts in, giving an angry glare at Sarah. Sarah stomps off in annoyance out of the cabin, Cassie and Laura following behind.

"Um, anyways," Pate starts. "Shall we get ready for the campfire? It says that every night we will have a bonfire and eat supper." You smile and exclaim, "Okay..!" The others nod.


You, Evelyn and the other girls are walking to the bonfire happily. Sarah is whining like crazy about how much she hates the outdoors, Alissa is chirping about how much she loves it, and Evelyn and the others are just mumbling things in between. You stay quiet and walk behind the other girls as they chat with each other. As you walk you hear the crunching sounds of pebbles and twigs beneath your feet. You feel joyous and as if you can't wait for the next day. After walking for a bit you realize that you don't know where you're going.

"Hey guys..?" You stop and say. The other girls stop and Pate asks, "Yeah? Is something wrong?" You bite your lip and stammered out, "Do you guys know where we're going? I-i think we might be lost.." The girls faces are now struck with worry. Alissa begins to say something, but immediately quiets down.

"Well," Sarah begins. "We wouldn't have gotten lost if you guys were more aware of where we were going..!" Sarah's obviously worried herself, but hides her fear through accusations.

"H-hey guys, we'll be fine! We just need to follow the path we were on!" Alissa suggests, her normally happy attitude now filled with worry. Then she looks at the ground, realizing that all of you aren't anywhere near the path. Oh no..!! What will we do..?! Suddenly, you hear a twig snap.

"Aah!" You and the other girls screech at the same time.

"Run!" Cassie yells and starts sprinting. The other girls follow suit except you. Sarah trips and falls onto the hard ground. "Oww!!!" She whines and you run to see if she's okay.

"Sarah! Are you oka-" Sarah pushes you away, making you fall and hit your head on a tree. Sarah's eyes widen as she looks at something behind you. She screams and races away, leaving you on the ground. Tears prick your eyes as you feel an immense amount of pain on the back of your head. You touch it, and look at your fingers. Crimson red drips from your fingers. Blood. My blood. You begin to cry. That is, until you feel a big hand on your head. You sniffle and look up.

You see a big man with a hockey mask. On one hand he grips onto a bloody machete, and the other gently pats your head.

"H-huh...? Who are you?" You question, trying hard not to focus on who's blood is on that machete. But the man does not reply. Instead he responds with some light grunts. You stand up, slowly.

"Can't you speak..?" You ask. The man doesn't respond, so you assume he doesn't talk.

"Oh. I'm sorry- ow!" You feel a pulse of pain in your head. The man tilts his head, then realizes you're injured. He points at your head and tilts his head, asking you 'What's wrong?' You sniffle and tell him, "It's my head. I hit it on that tree." You point to the thick tree you had hit your head on.

The man looks at the tree for a moment, then holds his machete up and swings at it. He does that a couple times before the tree falls to the ground, making you jump. Aw.. that's so sweet. Strange, but sweet.

You don't know what hit you, but you just decide to hug the man. As you wrap your arms (partially) around the man, he jolts a bit, shocked by your action.

"Thank you.." you mumble. He just wraps his arms around you happily. This is no doubt such strange behavior for someone wielding a bloody machete, but I think I should just roll with it.

As you unwrap your arms from the man, you just stare up at him. Until someone breaks the comforting silence.

"Y/n!!" A familier voice calls out to you. You spin around to see Evelyn, wide-eyed running up to you. As she reaches you, she grabs your arm tightly and races away from the masked man before he can keep you with him.

"Evelyn- he isn't... bad..!" You say between gasps. "And how do you know that?! He had a machete, Y/n! A machete!" Evelyn is obviously angered, but who wouldn't be in this case? You look down as you continue running, contemplating how you made such a foolish mistake.

After running for about 5 minutes, you hear laughing and see bright orange flames in the distance. The bonfire.

"We're... here..!" Evelyn chokes out, her voice dry and hoarse. You nod, happily. I hope that man is alright.. I feel kinda bad- no wait! No I don't! He probably wanted to kill me!! But he didn't.... Your brain is jumbled with thoughts and questions about the hockey masked man, but slowly forget about him as you and Evelyn reach the bonfire.

Tons of people are gathered around a large fire, singing, mingling, kissing, etc... all you knew was that this wasn't your type of thing.

"Let's go find an adult," you tell Evelyn, still exhausted. She nods.

You and Evelyn race to a woman with long bright orange hair.

"Miss! There's a man in the woods with a machete and he's trying to kill us!" Evelyn yells worryingly. The woman stares at you and Evelyn for a second and then smirks. She begins to laugh. "Hahaha! Nice try, kids, but he's LONG GONE!" The woman continues laughing. "B-but we saw him!" Evelyn tells the woman. You decide to stay quiet. You don't really have a say in this, considering you hugged the man.

"Okay, okay, nice try. But the joke's old," the woman tells you two, her smirk fading. Evelyn rolls her eyes, grabs your arm, and walks away with you.

"They don't deserve to be in charge..! They are only a year or so older than us! Ugh!" Evelyn continues rambling on as you stay quiet and listen. I wonder if the man will come back..? Well, he probably will.. who am I kidding, he has a machete! Your thoughts drown out Eveyln's talking and the next thing you know you're lying on your cabin bed.

Today was good... Can't wait until tomorrow.. Your eyelids slowly close, leaving you on a deep sleep.

Ty for reading this chapter! I'm planning on making each chapter at least have (roughly) 2000+ words. But that's just an estimate.

Q: Who's your favorite horror movie character? Tell me your answer in the comments! Bye for now!

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