Chapter Three - Part 1 - James POV

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The front doors to the Team Rocket headquarters faced them, as he and the rest of his team faced one of the hardest choices they would make. A choice that would change the rest of their lives. "Are you sure you want to do this James?" Jessie asked him, grabbing his hand. "I sure hope I'm sure" he responded. "Good luck" said Ash, shakeing James's other free hand. "Thank you" he said with a smile. Jessie pushed open the door, and lead the way inside to a fate he hoped was well.

"What are you guys doing here?" said Solara, the lady at the front desk "You are supposed to be working in the Estoh reigon!" "We are here to see Giovanni, we are quitting" Jessie said boldly. "Why would you do such a thing?" She asked. "Jessie and I are together now, we need to geton with our life together. Please no more questions, just tell him we are comeing up." Solara put on a grimace and buzzed into his office. Soon the were rideing up the elevator, faced with their fate.

The office was quiet, execpt for the low sound of a rolling chair slideing around on the hard tile floor. The large office chair spun around reveleing him - the boss. His face was glowing in the low light of the room, like a child telling stories by flashlight at sleep-away camp. "Jessie, James, and Meowth. What brings you so high up the company ladder." He said

"We qq-qq-quit, sss-sir" James stuttered. Jessie was holding onto his arm. She looked calm, but he could tell she was very afraid. Giovanni had an explosive temper and they were both sure that they were going to get screamed at. "YOU WHAT!" He said, his voice bounceing off the walls, his hand knocking over a container on his desk. "AFTER ALL I HAVE DONE FOR YOU IDIOTS YOU QUIT ON ME! I THOUGHT YOU WERE FAITHFUL TO ME?" He yelled "Listen you fool" James said "Me and my team are not bad people, we have done bad things, but we will always do the good in the end. We are not criminals and neither will any of our family be! NOW STAY AWAY FROM MY FRIENDS!!"

"I know the perfect way to end this dispute - with a Pokemon battle!" He gave a evil like smile. Something bad was going to happen - James knew it deep within his mind. He pressed a button on a keychain, and the room started to shift. Suddenly the dark office room had changed into a battle field! "Go Tyranitar!" He yelled. "Go Arbok" Jessie chanted "Go Wheezing!" James called. "Mega Evolve and use Smoke Screen!" James said after wards "Mega Evolve and use Bite" Jessie yelled.

Meowth jumped up and said "And I'll use my Fury Swipe!" The attacks bolted all at once with light flashing in every direction. But the Tyranitar had barely been chipped at. "Tyranitar use Hyperbeam!" Giovanni yelled A huge blast filled the room, with a sudden whip of light. James flew backwards along with Jessie and Meowth. He wasen't trying to hit their Pokemon - he was trying to hit them!

The battle roared onwards, with the trio dodgeing attacks in every direction. They were worn out with scratches all over their faces and bodies, but something was wrong with Jessie she looked even more beat up than the rest of them, like something was wrong with her. James was not paying attention to what was going on. He was very concerned for his friend, and didn't notice the Tyranitar gearing up for an attack. BANG! A hyperbeam was hurling at him.

At the last second something happened that James never knew would. Jessie jumped infront of him sheilding him from the devistating blast of energy. She saved his life. After the light had cleared James looked down at his feet. "Jessie?" He said sounding concerned. Meowth walked over looking over at her "Jess?" She was laying on the floor eyes closed, and her pulse was slowing down at rapid speeds. Her hands were cold turning blue. "She's - NO! JESSIE!"

He scooped her up in his arms, ash and blood covering her pale face. "YOU MONSTER! HOW COULD YOU DO SUCH A THING!" But a cruel smile played on his face, like he was mocking him. James ran out of the room, Meowth by his side, Jessie in his arms growing colder by the second. Solara looked concerned when he ran past her at the front desk, pushing open the galss doors and back outside. "HELP" he yelled at Ash and his group. "Jessie is dying!"

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