Chapter 1: New Town, New Life

Start from the beginning

[Y/N]: Guess this place could use a little renovating.

I place my stuff down in the bedroom and decide to set them up after making a few adjustments with the place. After that, I do some interior redesigning and rearrange the furniture a bit to suit my satisfaction. Then I get to cleaning the place up a bit.


[Y/N]: Alright! That looks a lot better. A lot easier to breathe too.

But now, there's one more thing left...

I fetch the box of stuff I'd brought along with me on the way here and begin to set them up in certain places of the apartment. As I finish up, I look around the room to admire what I did with the place.

[Y/N]: Okay. Now we look presentable.

Not that I'm expecting any guests over. But this will definitely making living here feel a lot more homely.

[Y/N]: Alright, what else am I forgetting?

I open up my phone and go through my list of things to do once I get to Tokyo.

Locate condo, check... Check in and claim apartment, check... Oh, I should probably also...

I begin typing an extra task in my to-do list labeled as "Refurbish apartment" and proceed to check it off the list as well.

I chuckle to myself.

[Y/N]: Okay, what's next?

I scroll down to see what my next task is.

"Purhase school uniform."

Oh, that's right, I'd enrolled in a new school in Tokyo prior to my trip here. It's one I'd never heard of, but it was one that fit the budget just right. And apparently, I start in two days. [Sch/N] High School.

[Y/N]: Oh, hey, it's not so far from here. Guess I can wake myself up at least a half-hour before heading out. Hmmm... Ehh, safer to make it an hour just in case I need to make any stops on the way. But in the meantime...

I head out of my apartment and make my way to the school with the help of my phone's map. I'm gonna need to learn to find my way around these parts. I can't keep getting lost.


Took me a while to find the place, but I managed to locate the school and purchase my uniform. Later that afternoon, I arrived back at my apartment and tried it on.

[Y/N]: Not too shabby...

I look at myself in the mirror wearing the uniform. It's not bad, to be honest. Back in my old school, uniforms weren't a requirement.

[Y/N]: A little tight, but I'll get used to it.

I changed back to my home clothes and spend the rest of the day purchasing whatever other essentials I needed from stores nearby and mostly just lounging around after a long day.

As night fell, I got into my jammies, brushed my teeth, and collapsed onto bed. I let out a long sigh.

[Y/N]: Man... What a day...

I turn over so I'm laying on my back and facing the ceiling.


I wonder if moving here was the right choice. This was my chance to start out fresh, but... for some reason, I still feel empty inside. There's this longing for a certain something inside me. I don't know if it's the will to try to turn my life around and let go of the past...

...or the ability to change it.

Is this really gonna do me any good?


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