(12) The Sweetest Thing

Start from the beginning

"Looks good to me," Kyle said, looking over our plans.

"I don't know if good is the right word but it will have to do. We can show it to everybody tomorrow at school and see what they think," I replied, printing out another copy of the map.

Kyle spent the night and drove me to school the next day like always. Olivia, Craig and Randy were waiting for us outside in the parking lot. I sighed as I got out of the car and walked over to them. They all seemed much more excited about the whole idea then me and Kyle did.

I handed each of them a map as well as some pages I printed out about the landmarks that I've marked off on the map.

"This is going to be so much fun!" Olivia squealed as she looked at the map. Altogether we were going to be gone for about two and a half to three weeks.

"Yeah, fun," I mumbled, causing everybody to look at me strangely.

"Oh yea, I wanted to ask you guys if it's ok if Sophia and Aiden comes along? She was so excited when I mentioned it to her that she literally begged me if she could come," Olivia asked, looking at us pleadingly. Sophia is Olivia's younger sister and Aiden is her boyfriend. She seems to be ok but I've never really hung out with her.

"We might have a problem with getting her into the clubs," Craig said, looking directly at Olivia.

"She doesn't look that young if she puts on makeup," Olivia argued, trying to convince us.

"She's only sixteen," Craig pointed out.

"Yeah and I'm seventeen so if they ask for ID's I'm screwed too," Olivia replied.

"If they're coming along, I'm going to invite Oliver," Craig said.

"Emma wants to come as well," Randy said, speaking for the first time. I shook my head and sighed. This was just getting better by the minute. I know both Oliver and Emma but I didn't really like them. Oliver is one of Craig's friends. He used to go to school with us but his family moved away two years ago. Emma is Randy's older sister. She finished school last year and is going to college at the moment. She loves Randy but she hates me and now that I've dumped Randy I doubt that she will ever change her mind.

"Ok, let's just calm down," I said, interrupting their little argument. They all stopped talking and looked at me.

"They can all come but were going to need another car. I think the minivan is going to be a bit small for all of us," I stated.

"I'll bring mine, I don't think I'll survive being stuck in a minivan with all of them anyway," Kyle said, taking me by surprise. It is the first time that he has so blatantly showed his dislike towards my friends.

Everybody looked shocked but nobody said anything, they just looked at him in confusion. Maybe they've never noticed that he doesn't really like any of them.

"Ok, that fine. I'll drive with you and the rest of you should be able to fit into the minivan if we get a trailer to put our luggage in.

"We can use my dad's, he won't mind and it's pretty big. We should be able to fit our tents and everything in there," Randy said as the bell rang.

"Sound good," I replied and then we all headed to our classes. I had no doubt that the conversation was a long way from over but I was happy for the break.

At lunch it was all they talked about. Apparently Craig had already spoken to Oliver and he was ecstatic about coming with us. This really was going to be the worst summer break ever.

I didn't really have time to talk to Kyle during the day but as soon as we got to my house I turned to him, scowling.

"How could you say that?" I demanded.

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