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The young boy drummed his fingers against the cool surface of the table as his eyes lazily scanned the bar. Honestly, there was nothing to do. Very few souls had been sent today, none of the other Arbiters had came to visit, and it was just a plain Saturday afternoon in the bar of Quindecim. "Oi, Decim, could you come here for a second?" Decim put down the glass cup that he was cleaning and directed his attention to Ciel. "Yes, sir? How may I assist you?" The Arbiter responded with a monotone voice. "Are there anymore souls coming here today? I am getting quite bored," Ciel lifted his hand to examine his fingernails. "And give me their names too, please." Decim nodded his head. "Give me a moment to check." He closed his eyes for a few moments, searching for any new memories. He reopened them and his eyes became slightly brighter. "Yes, I believe that there are two souls that will be arriving shortly. Their names are Sebastian Michaelis and Grell Sutcliff." Ciel's frown changed into a slight smile. "Hmm... They sound like an interesting pair." Decim adjusted his collar and said, "Yes, I agree," A soft 'ding' could be heard from the front entrance. "It seems like our guests have arrived. Are you ready sir?" Ciel smirked. "Ready as I'll ever be."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2015 ⏰

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