─── ⚝𓄹٠٘ xxxvii. animagi party

Start from the beginning

Right. The full moon. How could she forget! They've been preparing and practing their animagi form for that!

"I'll get his potion then." Stella says but before she could turn to her dorm, James held her wrists.

"You don't know what else is tomorrow?" James asks, hint of disappointment could be heard from his hoarse voice.

"Uh— Thursday?" She dumbfoundedly answered.

"Wait—" James' face fell. "You actually forgot?"

"Forgot what, James?" Stella groaned getting her wrist back. "You're starting to speak in riddles like Professor Dumbledore."

His patched up glass heart once again shattered into million pieces. He felt as if someone had punch him in the stomach from her words. "It's my birthday tomorrow."

"Your birthday?" Stella scrunched her face, trying to remember what day it is. "Oh, it's the 27th already!"

"Brilliant, you forgot." He mumbled to himself but Stella had heard it. "It's like I'm not important to you or something, like I'm not even your future boyfriend and husband."

Her blue eyes rolled to the back of her head from the exaggerated expression of his. Though, she still felt utterly bad that she forgot her best friend's birthday. "Please tell me you're not guilt-tripping me again like last year."

"I am." James was back to his egotistical self. "Is it working?"


James smirked. Knowing damn well that she was lying. James wouldn't say it out loud but he sees a bit of Hufflepuff inside Stella. She could try to patch it up with her prideful emotions but he sees right through her, that she was unbelievably kind and thoughtful.

"Keep telling lies to yourself, love. That way you might start believe them."

Peter was already in his animagus form since he was the only one that can fit on the little entrance from the whomping willow to shrieking shack. With a press on a certain knot on the base of the tree, the whomping willow became immobilized momentarily.

Sirius was carrying a messy birthday cake made by Eloise, Portia, and some house-elves for James, while the birthday boy was shielding Stella from Remus who was already having subtle physical transformations.

"Drink it." Stella urged Remus as he shakily takes the small vial in his hands. "It'll help you calm down while being in your werewolf form."

Without hesitation, Remus downed the potion as he started to transform into a werewolf. Except for Peter and Remus, the marauders looked at each other before they turned into their own animagus forms.

Remus was already in his werewolf form, more calm than his usual feral state but he was still growling at them.

But his calm state didn't last long when the potion that Stella made wore off, resulting James, Stella, and Sirius to control and hold Remus down.

Sure, their animagi forms were big enough, but not strong enough to control a werewolf.

Well, March's full moon is going to be one hell of a ride.

"Who's next?" Stella asks as she was finished healing Sirius' wounds, Peter's one broken bone, and Remus' body scratches.

"Me!" James excitedly says plopping over to the clean and fixed bed on the shrieking shack that Stella had casted a Reparo Maxima and a Scourgify.

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