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(Written: Dec. 17, 2022?)
(Uploaded: May 25, 2023)

*Cough* *Cough* Sup y'all, I'm back after uhhh a year or two? Anyways—I'll explain near the end of this chapter.

(This is an AU/Headcannon of sorts, some things are different, some things are the same.)
502 AD

“Everyone! At Ease!” A male stood on the wooden stand in front of the knights who practiced. The loose strands of his light blonde hair moved with the small breeze of the lovely day. His sword, which had one large blue gem in the center of the handle, rested in its sheath on his belt while his shield remained strapped to his left arm.

The knights saluted him—their captain.

The Knight looked at them all. “As guardians, it is your job to serve and protect our kingdom against anything that dares to harm our peace. Keep working to your fullest, and you will become great Guardians someday.”

The knights clapped their hands together at his speech. He waited for the noise to die down before he continued.

“I would like to introduce our newest recruit, who just recently passed the entrance exams.” His eyes landed onto one specific person in the front row, whose face was fully covered by their helmet like everyone else. “Stand up and report yourself, new guardian.”

The knight in the front row walked forward and looked up at the captain. They reached to take their helmet off. Once the helmet was off she pushed her long honey blond hair to her back and smiled brightly at the captain. “F/n L/n, ready for action!”

“Congratulations, I expect you to become a full—” The Male Knight paused as the ground shook.

Another knight ran up to him in a clear state of panic. “Captain M/n! Captain Eva needs you to see this!”

M/n hesitated before nodding. “Lead the way.” He looked at their newest recruit, noticing how her blue eyes looked up at the changing sky. A cloudless blue sky, now a cloud-filled purple nightmare. “Follow me.”

She looked back at him and nodded seriously. The two followed the panicking knight until they were on one of the lookout walls.

“Eva.” The Male Knight called out of her when he spotted her.

“M/n, you're here.” Captain Eva looked over to the Male Knight. She didn't comment about the rookie behind him. She looked back up at the sky and tightened her fists.

The Male Knight neared, with the Female Knight following, and looked beside her, spotting a strange unidentifiable flying object in the sky that caused everyone to freeze.

“Dear Prometheia…” A female knight muttered to herself.

The cannons on the flying object readied.

“What is that?” A guy mumbled next, unaware he was standing right where the first attack would be fired at.

The flying object fired it's first shot, and landed right on target.

“Oh my goodness! BOB” The same female who witnessed the guy being blasted away started running to where he might've landed. More attacks started happening as knights ran in fear.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2023 ⏰

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