Chapter 2: Training Montage

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  The next morning involved frantically waking up to alarms that hadn't been set since last year, panicking to find things you swore you unpacked and put away, relying on muscle memory to get ready, and taking some aspirin for a lingering *ahem * 'headache'. And off we were to the first day of classes back at U.A.

"Good morning, class."

You knew that monotone just about anywhere.

"MR. AIZAWA!?!" The class exclaimed.

"Stop yelling, I barely got any sleep last night."

"You barely get any sleep at all-" Denki's mouth was covered by Jirou.

"We didn't mean to be rude, we just didn't expect to see you here." She said calmly.

"Yeah! We thought Class 2-A had a separate teacher!" Kirishima shouted into your ear.

"Surprise. The principal decided to give me a last minute promotion, so I'm still your teacher, unfortunately."

"Aww, you love us." Mina latched onto your arm and gushed in protest to the teacher.

"Sit down and shut up, we're starting today with a lecture." The class groaned.

"I thought we'd do some cool training or something to get us back into the groove!" Hagakure whined.

Aizawa's eyes narrowed, "All right, I was going to be nice and start you off with a lecture, ease you back into things, but if you're so eager for a beating I'm willing to humor you." He smiled his slightly terrifying smile and unraveled the capture weapon around his neck.

"Actually I think a lecture would be fine, really!" You tried to smooth over while walking backwards, towards the exit.

"Not so fast," the scarf caught you before you could get to the door. "I think it'll be a good experience." You slumped in defeat.

"Hell yeah! Can't wait to crush you extras with my summer training progress!" If people, specifically Bakugou, didn't stop yelling this early in the morning, you were inclined to slap them. His palms were already smoking, and your quirk seemed to come alive in your veins at the thought of a fight.

You pushed the thought aside as you scanned the room, you and your classmates were mostly still congregated around the door area, having not sat down since the initial shock of seeing your old teacher again. You spotted him, Mr. Purple-hair-and-eyebags himself. He was leaning against the wall, near Denki, where it would be harder to see him unless you turned around. His eyes met yours and a grin played on his lips. You gave a small wave and he did it back, your attention was called back to the front of the room with Aizawa booming.

"If it's a training session you want, that's exactly what you'll get, go change into your gym uniforms and meet me on Ground Beta."

"Yes sir!" You all ran out of the classroom, you noticed Shinso was the first to scurry out of the room, but his attempt at escaping undetected failed as Kirishima caught up to him and slapped a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey man, Kaminari mentioned you'd be joining us, glad you have you!" He exclaimed in his ever-pleasant way.

"Did he now?" Shinso hummed and stared down the very guilty looking blonde who had apparently released this information without permission.

You giggled to yourself and Mina nudged you with her elbow. She wiggled her eyebrows and gestured to the purple haired boy at the front of the class. 

You rolled your eyes, it seemed that she hadn't forgotten her curiosity about the conversation you'd been having with Shinso the previous night.

You tried not to focus on that as you jogged into the changing rooms. You were grateful that he-who-shall -not-be-named-for-the-sake-of-your-sanity had left so that you didn't have to worry about being creeped on while changing, nevertheless lingering paranoia caused you to change in the bathroom area. The only other person doing so was Jirou, who you knew was somewhat insecure. You gave her a quick smile and changed.

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