London Bridge is Falling Down

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*Magnum P.I. Season 3 Episode 1- "Double Jeopardy".I don't own the characters or plot, just like to put my own spin on it, Enjoy!*

Audiences POV:

Shots rang out. An agonised yell. The sound of flesh hitting fallen leaves. He knew in his gut she'd been shot. Without a moment's hesitation, he sprints into action, towards the sound of laboured breaths. He slows as he nears the location he suspects she fell and begins to call out to her, in a mock Marco- Polo game. "Higgins"...
"Magnum"... "Higgins?".

As he neared a tree covered in stranglers he heard a small gasp for breath. Figuring it was more pained than scared sound he continued closer to the ragged breath. Rounding the tree, caused him to take a momentary pause and he gulped in a breath as if he'd been stuck underwater, gasping for air.

Higgins was positioned up against the tree for support with her hands pressed into the rapidly bleeding bullet hole that now adorned the right side of her abdomen. Magnum crouched down to her level and cautiously removed her hands to get a better look. Determining it to be a severe shot he started to formulate a plan.

Magnum's SEAL training kicked in almost immediately, don't leave anyone behind. Positioning his arm under the knees of her legs and his other arm supporting her back, he hoisted her from the ground and safely into his arms.

Knowing there was no chance of catching the criminals with his arms full of the woman he loved he raced carefully back to the Ferrari. Once Higgins was safely strapped in he threw the car into sports mode and raced as fast as he could to the closed hospital.

His mind raced almost as fast as the car- 'I love her... she has to live, I've got our whole lives planned out. Dates, wedding, kids, retirement... all of it. Move damn cars I don't have much time.' He looked over at her slouched body, hoping and praying he makes it in time. "Higgins, remember-  you fall seven and you get up eight... you have to get up eight please Higgy." The desperation in his voice and the catch of a tear on his tongue caused the turmoil in his stomach to increase tenfold, he might not get the chance to tell her.

"Keep pressure on it Higgy, we're almost at the hospital." Came his shaking voice. "Honestly Magnum, it's not my first time being shot you know, I'm just gonna take a nap." Higgins chokes out, exhaustion coating her words. "No Higgy you've got to stay with me, keep talking to me please." And with his words, her world faded to black...

Once at the hospital, Magnum couldn't sit still. Nurses upon nurses would walk past and instruct him to sit in a waiting room chair but he couldn't bring himself to do it. What if she needed him? He needed to be ready to run, whether it be to her or to the asses who put her in the hospital bed she was currently fighting for her life in.

After an hour of no news, Rick's words played through his head the whole time - no news is good news - Magnum had to do something. Pulling out his phone, he dials Katsumoto's number."Gordy?", his voice broke through the phone (he'd blame it on the terrible phone service if anyone asked). "Magnum, how's Higgins holding up?", Gordon spoke softly. "No news is good news right? Please tell me you caught the people who did this to her?". "I was just gonna call you, you wanna help catch the bastards?"...

Magnum's POV:
They went after my partner. They went after my brother. They went after my Ohana.

Anger pulsed through my veins, begging and pleading for a release. As I ran towards the airstrip where TC landed his chopper, my sights were set on the male partner in crime. He was the one who put Higgins into the hospital.

I watched as they jumped down from the helicopter a gun each in hand pointed at TC's back. Katsumoto started to shout orders when the woman decided to make a break for it. With Gordon and Rick taking care of her, I kept my eyes on asshole no.1 (a nickname I deemed fitting for Higgins shooter). Without warning, no.1 shoved TC and made a run for it. How dare he try to escape!

In pursuit, my legs scream at me to slow down but my heart says keep going, make him pay. He stops at a fence and I have him cornered, my gun aimed at his heart. He lunges for me but I land a hit to the side of his face before he even lifts his arm. "You almost killed my partner!" Agony from the day screams from my lungs as I convey my pain. "Then we're even". The words ignite the fire inside my stomach to even greater strength, with all the force I can muster, I kick him square in the chest, leaving him gasping for breath that would forever be stuck in his throat. "Not even close."

Magnum's POV:

It's been two days and so far Higgy has only been able to keep her eyes open for a couple of minutes at a time. Each time brings me closer to the fact that she's still with me, she's not dying.

On day three we were able to maintain a short conversation which continued to make my heart pound out of my chest, full of sheer gratitude for whoever deemed me worthy enough to spend another day with such a kind loving soul.

Day four rolls around and I wake up to the feeling of someone squeezing my left hand. Blinking away the sleep from my eyes, I chance a glance at the owner of the hand holding mine. Higgins' eyes find mine before chancing a second glance at our intertwined hands. "Hey, Higgins". Recognition glazes her eyes before she starts to formulate a response. "I told you it was eight". The hoarse chuckle that follows doesn't contain any humour. "You've been knocked out for four days and that's the first thing you say?".
My voice is pained as I struggle to stamp down the rising emotions in my stomach. "Yes, the second being a thank you. Thank you Thomas, for saving me."

"I'll always save you, Higgins."

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