The First True Hug

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*Magnum P.I. Season 3 Episode 9 - "The Big Payback". I don't own the characters or plot, just like to put my own spin on it, Enjoy!*

Higgins POV:

Yes, we've hugged. The awkward side hug. The one armed pat on the back. The group hug. But this was different, nothing like the ones before. This was a desperate soul searching hug that can only be sedated by feeling completely safe.

Let me start from the beginning. Being kept confined in the basement of my captors estate was not the plan for the day but it's how it went. After a total of three hours I was taken from the basement and forced into the boot of my kidnappers car, not without a struggle I might add. The drive was bumpy and the sounds of twigs being broken under the wheels signalled we were nearing the forest.

The car halted and I heard voices coming from only a few meters away, one sounded familiar. Footsteps became clear and the boot of the car was popped open. I was dragged out by my bound hands as the bright sun blinded me temporarily.

When my vision cleared, I looked up to match the voice to the face. Magnum. He was here. How did he find me? "I'm okay", I don't know whether that was said for my benefit or his but his shoulders dropped the slightest bit, easing the tension found there. He made a deal with my captor and his prisoner, him in exchange for me.

As the hand over began, time seemed to slow down, he sacrificed himself for me and I was in shock. "It's gonna be okay" he whispered as we passed each other only inches away. I really want to believe him.

I turn to look at him as he's forced into the back seat of my kidnappers car before the door closes and he disappeared from view.

The next hour or so was a blur of panic and guilt. Guilt that he was taken from me. Panic that if I did see him again it could be too late. It was by utter chance that I remembered the note with the boat and departure time written on it, which lead us to Thomas' kidnappers next stop.

Pulling up to the boat yard and stepping out from the car, a commotion could be heard within the maze of boat parts and buildings. TC, Rick, Gordy and I split up to cover more ground, when in the distance I heard a gun shot.

Not thinking of the consequences I ran straight towards the noise, hearing the muffled chatter of  half my Ohana. Running through the maze at a pace that would of taken away my breath if it wasn't for the burning desire to ensure Thomas was safe, my emotions bubble to the surface.

The voices became louder and louder before I heard what I now see as the best thing I'd heard all day, "where's Higgins?". After all that he's been through, he still thinks of me, as if it's instinctual. I round the corner to see his eyes searching for me. When they land on me, my breath was torn away from me like a blanket being pulled from beneath my feet.

With no further hesitation I run at him at such a speed I wonder how we haven't toppled over. My hands grapple at his back as if looking for something to hold onto, to bring me closer to him. His hands find there way to my lower back, fingers possessively spread guarding what was his. My head burrows into the crook of his neck and his breath courses past me ear.

Our chests fall and rise with the same pattern, in sync with each other as if we'd never been parted. The world stops beneath my feet and I'm left with just him and I, holding into each other for dear life. So many thoughts cross my mind, none of which were of consequence and were quickly replaced, all but one. Fleeting but to be thought about in greater detail later, three words that I never thought would be brought up in his presence but hold so much emotion that I feel my knees being to buckle. I love him.

He grounds me and yet holds me higher than the heavens. After what feels like an eternity the world begins to fade back into reality and I'm very aware of the audience which we have gathered. The guys look at me with understanding and acceptance, knowing that I needed that so desperately.

I chance a look up as we slowly pull away from each other. Relief, understanding and apologise are all mingled into the chocolate brown that is Thomas' eye's, a fourth emotion which I recognise immediately but daren't put a name to, circles his iris and pushes into my soul.

I take a steady step back, hoping to regain my facilities before facing the rest the waiting audience. Words are spoken and a plan put into motion for the cover story that I will need to remember in clear detail to ensure we aren't compromised.

After plans are finalised and the men get into TC's van heading for their respective homes to freshen up, I'm left alone to my thoughts.

Hugs are a release, a way of conveying how you feel with out the use of a single word. Mine and Thomas' hugs have always conveyed companionship and a timid yet important friendship at best, but this was new and exciting, something I want to experience everyday for the rest of my life. A soul completing hug that protects and ensures safety from the world around you.

I don't think I'll be able to cope with our old hugs now. I hope we can hug like that again one day - maybe without the kidnapping though. Although, we may never have had the chance to experience it if it wasn't for Elliott Hamler, so I almost feel grateful for the ass.


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