𝙰𝚕𝚕 𝚘𝚏 𝚞𝚜!💕 16.

Start from the beginning

I go to pull onto my street and I see the SAME car coming the opposite way so I quickly turn into my neighbor hood and pull into my driveway. I see don't see the car so I took a deep breath and got out my car. I grabbed all the bags and went in the house. It was around 1 and I had a lot of energy for a reason I can't explain. So, I went to my beauty room and started to clean and organize everything.

I got done maybe 45 mins later and I was about to walk upstairs when someone
knocked on my door. It was almost 6 so I figured it was just Mikyla and Raiya. I opened my door and saw that it wasn't.
"What do you want bro. You smell like straight liquor" I said putting my fingers on my nose because the small was gonna make
me sick. I look behind him and see the car that was following me earlier. "You were following me earlier?!" I was pissed atp.
"Please just hear me out!" James said. "NOO Nigga what don't you get." I shouted at him because I was pissed and freaked out and Gelo isn't here. James had put his hands on me in our relationship before but it wasn't a more than one-time thing. He was drunk one night and came home late smelling straight like some female's cheap perfume so we argued and he pined me on the wall with his hands on my neck. When he finally let go I left and didn't come back for 4 days and we 'Talked things out' and he never come home that drunk again. "BABY I MISS YOU!" he shouted. "IDGAF JAMES I DON'T. I HAVE A BOYFRIEND NOW AND A BABY OTW IM OVER WHAT WE HAD IVE BEEN OVER IT!" I said and he looked pissed. "FUCK THAT NIGGA THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE MY BABY!!" James shouted. "YOU NEVER EVEN WANTED KIDS!" I shouted back. "I DO NOW!" "NO BRO YOU CANT JUST SHOW UP AND SAY SHIT LIKE THAT. YOU WEREN'T SHIT AND THAT'S WHY I DUMPED YOUR ASS. GELO MAKES ME HAPPY AND IM CARRYING HIS BABY! SO, DON'T TELL ME YOU WANT ME NOW BECAUSE I DON'T GIVE A DAMN." I shouted and went to close the door but he pushed it and I stumbled back but caught myself on the stair railing. "WHO TF ARE YOU TALKIN TO LIKE THAT!" James shouted walking in and closing the door. "James get out tf is wrong with you!" I said and tried to run up the stairs because my phone was ringing but he grabbed me and smacked me in my face. Then he grabbed me by me hair and punched me in my lip he did it more then, He pushed me to the ground and starts to kick my legs and I cover my stomach just in case. He started to kick my stomach to but couldn't because of my arms so he was just kicking my arms and hands. "-stop please stop!" I cried out and he crouched down. "Fuck you, him and that baby." He said in my ear and stood up and walked out leaving me on the floor with a bloody nose, busted lip, Bruised face and other things. My body was so sore when I tried to get up. I cried in pain as I pulled myself up and my legs almost gave out. I practically crawled up the stairs and into my room grabbed my phone and went to the bathroom. I push myself up on the counter and cover my mouth with my hands when I see myself. I try to unlock my phone but couldn't because I was shaking so bad. I eventually got Into it and went to call Mikyla but I heard someone scream my name.

Gelo's POV 6:00 pm

We just landed back at home but nobody knows. Mikyla and Raiya are supposed to be at me and Kay's house around 6 so we decided to get some stuff for them.
When we pull up at my house another car pulls up too. "Ain't that sum shit it's Raiya and Mikyla" Melo said and we all got out the car. "You guys are here!" Mikyla said hugging Zo. It's almost dark outside and we all walk up the front door. "Wait!" Mikyla said and we all stopped. "The doors open." She said and moved past Everyone and go in the house. "KAY!!" I shouted her name but didn't get a response. "What the fuck!" Raiya said covering her mouth pointing to the floor. There was blood and it trailed. It wasn't a lot just little splashes but it was enough to be visible. "Hell no- KAYY!!!" I shouted. We all start walking around the house shouting her name.

Mikylas POV:

"KAY!!" I shouted walking up the stairs and into her room because I was blood trailing to the door. I walking through and walked into the bathroom. "OMG!!" I said and dropped to the floor next to her. "YOU GUYSSSS!!" I screamed and everyone ran up. Gelo came in and dropped next to her as well.

Gelo's POV:

When I walked in and saw her my heart stopped. "Who did This to you!" I said hugging her. "J-James. He came and I'm pretty s-sure he was drunk and he went off and was h-hitting m-me and..." she stop and started to cry even more. "Come on bro we gotta get her to a hospital!" Zo said.


We get to the hospital and doctors came and put her in a room and told us to wait in the waiting room and the a doctor came out and told us we could go in now. We all pulled chairs close to her and the doctor started to talk. "Okay so there is nothing broken or anything just a busted nose but that will heal. She does have a lot of bruises all of her arms and legs so be careful with that." The doctors said reading off his clip board. "And the baby?" I asked "Your baby is perfect actually. There was no bruises on her stomach but there was small scratches but that didn't harm the baby. I'll leave you guys to talk. She should be able to go him in 3 days we just need to let her body heal." The doctor said and walks out. "Kay what the hell happened." Raiya said whipping her face. I was furious and got up and told the boys the follow me. We walked out into the hallway and walked outside. "Where we goin?" Melo asked. "To find that Nigga James because he took that shit to far." I said and was breathing hard. "Bro chill out and take breathes." Zo said. "Yeah bro we can't be goin out here lookin for him and if you get your hands on him you gone kill him and me and Zo won't be able to stop you." Melo said. "Yeah bro this isn't a good idea." Zo said and I just stared at the ground trynna control my breathing. "Let's just let the cops find him and put him behind bars okay. I'll text Raiya and tell her we're going to get something to eat." Melo said and we all got in the car and drove too McDonald's.

Mikylas POV:

"Melo said there getting something to eat." Raiya said and I nodded. "You guys." Kay said and we look at her. "I was so scared. I didn't know what to do but protect my baby." Kay said and some tears rolled down her face. "Hey it's okay your okay, your babies okay. It's gonna be okay!" I said whiping her tears. "You wanna tell us what happened?" Raiya asked her and she nodded.

She explained everything and the doctor came in to give her some type of medicine for the pain and also said the police would come tmrw to ask questions about everything so they can make a report.
The boys came in and we all at and talked. The doctors said Kay could have soft stuff and Gelo bought her ice cream which made her happy and we were all just talking until visitors time was over. "Imma go home and clean up and get clothes and stuff for her Mikyla can you stay here?" Gelo asked me and I nodded. "Yeah" I said "I'll stay with you tonight so your not home by yourself because you might go out and make a dumb mistake!" Zo told Gelo. Everyone said there goodbyes and left. "I think I'm gonna have a girl. I feel it." Kay blurted out and I looked at her. "I don't think I can see Gelo with a boy tbh!" I said and she chuckled a little. "Come here!" She said scooting over in bed and patting a spot. I layed next to her. "The last time we were like this was when you broke your arm during practice." Kay said and we laughed. "Yeah that was like what 8 years ago? We were like 17!" I said. She fell asleep and I got up and got comfortable in one of the chairs and the doctors gave me and blanket.

Sorry for any miss spelling🤝

I wasn't sure about this but imma post it anyways because the story needed something to happen. To any body who has ever been through abuse guy or girl because it happens to anyone, I love you and you are so strong and amazing!❤️

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