dreams everywhere

Começar do início

Din looked at me trying to avoid a smile that he couldn't hide.

-What do you want from me?

-we don't want anything from you, but someone does, and that someone pays well, you know it's just business

-Please don't take me to them, they'll kill me! I have to find him! Maybe he's in danger, let me help him first, I swear I'll come whit you when I make sure he's okay

-What is she talking about? --whispered Din to me--

-I have no idea

-ehem --falsely coughed Din to break the uncomfortable moment-- What are you talking about girl? Who do you have to see?

-Yeah, who do you have to save? --said I with a deeper voice--

Din looked with a stunned face at me

--the girl looked at us stunned--

-w-w-well, my brother, my little brother, didn't they tell you that I have a brother?

--we looked each other-- No they didn't, why would they?

-What kind of bounty hunters are you?

-Ones who don't give a shit the  information that they tell to us

--the girl sighed--
Well, look at this --said her while she pointed a kind of map--

-What is that?

-This is the map where my brother is, a very great droid is wearing it, that's how I can see where they are every time, but they have been quites for a very while, and I don't think that they're sleeping.

-why aren't you with them? Where you come from girl?

-Years ago my planet was invaded by stormtroopers to capture the little kids and raise them up as that. Me and my brother were captured --I looked at her impressed while Din looked at me with a sad expression-- Months ago we could escape but some of them alerted the other and we got seperated
Can you please help me?

I looked at Din with an expression on my face which was begging for a yes as answer

--Din sighed exhausted--

-Alright, we'll help you, but you won't move, you won't talk, and you won't betray us

--the girl screamed excited--

-yeah! I knew you were good people, I knew you were a hearted person mando!
And you look like a nice girl

-My planet was also invaded by them, they raiced the village and the people, they killed them all and took the children, they didn't catch me, and then this mandalorian found me and saved me. That was like six years ago more or less

-Wow, then you and I know each other very well, don't we?

-I'm Brendie Woleas

-Hi Brendy, I'm Sylvie Snow and this big guy is Din Djarin, the greatest mandalorian alive

--I removed my helmet smiling--

-Oh, and the little green guy?

-He is Grogu --said Din with a denfesor tone of voice--

-Oh hi little one!

-Din stopped her before she got too close to Grogu reminding her her place

--she looked at him not very surprised--

-Hey lads, we better be going before someone notice her and want to capture her too

What a curious galaxy, what a curious girl, when I was little I thought that my moon planet was the only one that existed, that made me feel comfortable, that made me feel safe, like if no one in the whole world could hurt me, I felt protected, just like now, with Din. But now everything's changed, I mean, is it a casuallity that a girl who has happened the same as what happened to me coincides with me? Is it a casuallity that we've been hired to capture her? Is it a casuallity that our paths have crossed? I don't think so, to be honest I feel it is a big step, like if something big was about to happens, my life hasn't been very interesting this last years, Din was always overprotecting us (me and Grogu) though, he trained me as well, he was the responsable for me to turn into a mandalore.
It feels odd to think that I wanted to be the best pilot when I was younger just so my father feels proud of me, and now, well, now I want to be the best mandalorian for him, for Din, still, I can't stop thinking about the amazing life that Jedi must have, I mean, they have light sabers!

Love in the dark - A Story Of Star WarsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora