Chapter 2: Where did you say you were from?

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     Ben walked out of the room, ushered by his Grandpa Max. Bucky was in a state of shock. He had seen his hand and had a panic attack. They had sedated him, and he was now lying almost still on the bed.
     He said he'd been in an accident that didn't have anything to do with what had ensued with Khyber. For that, ben was thankful, but he still felt guilty. Bucky was not doing so well. His recovery would take months at least. It'd be weeks before he could even sit up.
     All this thinking had brought Ben back to Khyber. Even without his alien dog, he was growing in strength. He, of course, still had his mutt, but it couldn't transform anymore, having lost the Nemetrix. But Khyber had found a way to make himself even more dangerous. He had hostages in the form of Galvan prisoners. That included Albedo, the smartest of them all, the creator of the Omnitrix. It still puzzled Ben, how the small alien was caught, seeing as how he was the smartest being in 6 galaxies.
     Long story short, Ben had huge priorities. If he made one wrong move, won against Khyber one too many time, or anything, Khyber would sic his mutt on the prisoners.
     He had fully discussed it with Grandpa Max many times. Even his uncle couldn't offer any sort of wisdom. If he couldn't think of something soon, Albedo and the rest of his captured comrades would be reduced to bloody chew toys.
     Walking away from the infirmary, he sulked, feeling as if the world was against him. Maybe Blukic and Driba could help... Ben mentally had a laughing fit. Blukic and Driba were, by far, the stupidest Galvan's he knew. They may have been smarter than most humans, but, by Galvan standards, they were childishly idiotic.
     Ben would go see them anyway, though. The Plumbers were all on high alert, and wouldn't let the two get out of sight. There was no telling whether Khyber would take more prisoners. That's why Ben usually took them slushies. They absolutely loved them, and hadn't been able to go out to get them at all. This time, Ben didn't have slushies, but he would visit them anyway.
     The mood was set as soon as he came in the lab without the frozen drinks. Driba looked expectant as Ben came in, but, seeing he lacked the beverage, drooped.
     "False alarm Blukic." He said.
     The lankier of the two, Blukic, came out from the conjoining room in the lab, looking as disappointed as his companion. "What're you doing here without slushies?"He exclaimed.
     Ben, his hands in his pockets, shrugged. "I don't know." He really didn't know. He had wandered into the lab thinking he would find the answer or something helpful, but had he really expected anything from the universe's dumbest Galvans? He'd need Albedo to help him with this, but...
     "Sorry guys. I just haven't been all here lately. It's hard to focus with all that's been going on." He sighed, feeling as if he could just fall over. He couldn't imagine what was going on with Albedo. For all Ben knew, the alien was being tortured right then.

     Later, Ben was sitting in the Plumbers vehicle with his partner, Rook. The alien was driving and talking to Ben at the same time.
     "So, Ben, where did the patient say he was from?" He asked. "We should hope to locate some family somewhere, right?"
     Ben sighed for maybe the millionth time that day. "I have no idea, Rook. He blacked out before he could say anything about it." Ben didn't know yet if Bucky would recover or not. He hadn't heard anything on the subject yet from Grandpa Max. His Grandpa, being the lead Plumber, would be the first to receive that information.
     As if the thought summoned him, a call came in from Max. Ben answered it immediately. His voice came clearly through the speaker.
     "Ben? Good. I've called in your cousin and Kevin for help. They'll be here soon, so come back to the base." He said.
     "Alright, Grandpa." Ben answered.

     Bucky felt as if he was hit on the head with a lead pipe. He tried to sit up, but felt immense pain. He groaned, wincing. He opened his eyes, seeing people all around him. Had he dreamt about his arm? He didn't know, and, frankly, he didn't want to know.
     One of the figures around him adjusted something attached to him. Bucky felt relaxed, but still in pain. His face was contorted in agony. But the blurry figure did something, and the pain was mostly nullified. He looked again as the blurriness dissipated. An odd looking thing was standing next to the bed, blue limbs extended to a device next to the bed. Bucky's eyes widened, having no idea what they were seeing. What kind of drugs am I on?

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