visions of the past

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Time: Before the events of Deliver Hope 6 months after the last chapter

The commander is seen standing in the command room watching a screen.

White: "Anything to report?"

Operator: "Hnmm Wolf Team has successfully managed to eliminate their target Ma'am but still no words from the others. Captain (L/n) has gone ahead to find the others but hes gone silent since then."

White: "Damnit.....keep trying to get a hold of him and if he doesn't respond within 10 minutes let me know. For now I have somewhere to be."

Operator: "Yes ma'am!"

White: "If anyone needs me I shall be heading to the resistance camp myself."

Operator 2: "Wait a second Ma'am alone?"

White: "Yes alone don't worry theres already soldiers stationed down there so you won't need to worry about my safety."

She then walks out of the room.

All operators: "But we were gonna ask to come to earth......"

Scene changed

For the past few months Commander White has been trying to find answers as to who was Nier and her search led to a file called Project Gestalt. What she read made her sick to her stomach as what humans would say but there was no mentioned of Nier. White now believes Accord was right as she told her all memories and records of him were wiped away because of his actions which is why Accord had given her the full file on it but not everything about Nier. White knew exactly who Accord was and what she does....and unfortunately she met her other copies as well. White was furious when she read the report Accord gave her. She dropped the file and dropped to her knees and cried reading about Niers life. She vowed that she would protect her son and give him a better life than he had before but one question remains in her head....does (Y/n) remember anything from the past if so is he hiding his past from her because he was afraid? It didn't matter if that was the case because she swore to always protect and love him no matter what.

Commander white has arrived at the resistance base with her UNSC odst escorts. They brought her to the base and she spots Anemone.

White: "Anemone!"

Anemone: "hmmm?"

She turns and sees white.

Anemone: "Commander White! What brings you here? It must be serious business if the commander of Yorha has to come down here herself."

White then looks at her escorts and nods at the squad leader. He understands and he takes his men away and they give them some privacy.

White: "I'm here because of what I had sent you for safe keeping."

Anemone: "You mean the sword? Honestly I don't get why you had it delivered here in the first looks like a sword like every other."

White: "I don't know that's why I asked a.....friend to meet us here."

Anemone: "A friend?"

??: "Hiii!"

Anemone jumps when she heard a voice behind her and they saw Accord standing there.

Accord: "Someone called~"

White: (Sweatdrops) "Yes now Anemone please take us to the sword."

They started walking to their destination.

Accord: "So what's wrong? Why did you suddenly call me out here?"

White: "I called you out here because I kept hearing voices coming from that sword!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2022 ⏰

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