It was a date. End of story.

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We both got in the car again
"I'm going to another restaurant!" I said 
"I know." He sighed 
"oh ok good. I thought you'd complain" I didn't actually assume he'd take along, initially I was going to drop him, then go, but this works too.
"Do you have a particular place in mind"I asked with little hope
"No""ah well" I said while sighing 
 "We should probably get a parcel! We can eat it in our car that way" I said thinking he wouldn't want to get out much anyway
I went out and ordered two meals and came back in to wait 
"I didn't think you'd actually come," I said looking out the window
"Me neither." He said 
"what-" I asked 
"Never mind, foods here" he said lowering the window when the waiter came by

"Yes, this is life" I said nodding and taking another bite, happy.

"'this is life'? Is this an ideal situation for you?" He rolled his eyes asking me 
"Isn't it? I mean, I went to a party, went to an arcade! Went to the beach! And am eating my second dinner with a pretty boy! If it could get any better than this, I'd conclude I were dreaming" I said taking a bit of my second dinner 

He smirked "Prettier than keiji?" he asked
I chuckled "whatever" I sighed "Maybe we should go to a movie!" I said excited again 
"Go sleep" He said putting his hands on my head 
"I can sleep any day! At any time! Anywhere! But this opportunity is quite hard to come by, especially if it's with you!"
"'ll consider that a praise?" He said, more to himself than me 

"And?" i asked 
"and what?" he asked 
"should i drop you off at your own house?"
"uhm yea, your going home now?" he asked
"is there any where you wanna go?"
"no drop me off"

We drove over to sakusas house 
"wren't you glad you came out?" i smirked 
"Hm, well, good night"
"To you too!" i said, he got in and closed the door, o drove off right after

A beautiful daisy (S.kiyoomi)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ