
Our class was just having their free time in the swimming class. The girls here look lovely and the boys well atleast it looks nice and healthy.

Of course there are two to three classmates that did not want to participate. I don't blame them.

Oh right, I am one of them so that makes me fourth. I did not participate is because I left my contacts with my sister back at home. I never really cared to ask it back so I hope she takes good care of it.

It was given to me by that old man anyways so getting rid of is sort of a blessing. Its still a curse cause I can't see properly. Though I couldn't careless. I asked the store here if they could make a custom contact lens and they would be done in a few months or so.

I look around to see my classmates having fun. Damn I really failed at making friends, oh well I can use them as puppets.

I still am bothered at the fact that these girls have huge bust already. Especially the one infront of me. Like what kind of sorcery is this?

Since I have nothing better to do than look at the girls and boys playing in the pool, I decided to make a plan. I have to think back to what our teacher said


I watch as our teacher wrote down on the white board and starts to explain.

The S-system.

It assesses the students in real time and assign their numerical values.  All we have proven is that we deserve to be in the last rank. Which makes us the worst kind of defectives.

During this though. I noticed Horikita's slight behavior. Its almost like she was shocked? Surprised? Maybe even defeated. Well who knows.

Sae: However I am actually impressed, somehow. No class had ever before exhausted all their points in a single month, not even the previous class D.

Oh so I was right then. Sigh I am alot further away from my goal than I thought. Oh well, makes the challenge more fun. Then Yosuke stand up.

Yosuke: Teacher, at least tell us the criteria for how the points are gained and lost.

I am curious too but knowing how this school is similar to the outside world.

Sae: I can not reveal the details of your performance evaluations.

... Right. So I guess we have to make sure to keep our performance high or else it could be no points for life.

Points are like money.

You broke, you broke. Nothing can help you so you better help yourself.

Sae: These are the "class points" currently held by each class. For each class point, 100 private points are alloted to each student in the class. When you first enrolled here, each class had 1,000 class points. In other words, you have lost all your points.

I see. So we all have to pitch in so we can get paid. Not a bad system. Kushida then spoke up.

Kushida: Is there any chance for us to get more points?

Sae: Yes, there is. And of you earn more points than class C as a result, you'll be promoted to C, while class C will be demoted to class D.

Oh? Alright then hot stuff, spill the beans.

Sae: Your closest opportunity will be the upcoming midterms. Depending on your scores, you might be granted a maximum of 100 class points.

100 may not be enough but it is better than nothing. I overheard Yamauchi say the same thing, I guess he does have a little IQ.

The puppeteer (Classroom of the elite x OC)Where stories live. Discover now