His hand lingers on mine, his eyes searching my face, before he moves to the seat across from us.

"Brace for impact!" Tech yells from the cockpit.

Crates and random objects go flying across the ship, Gonky sliding all the way to us, his small legs waving out behind him.

"We're gonna die! We're gonna die! We're gonna—" Wrecker glances at Omega, who is staring at him with wide eyes. "We're gonna be fine! Yeah, we're gonna be just fine."

The ship rattles just before it slams into the ground, and Wrecker lets out a groan as he smashes his head.

The ship slides, and we all are pulled to the side.

Coming to a skidding halt, everyone leans back in their seats.

    Hunter stands, helping Gonky stand correctly.
   "Everybody  all right?" His eyes going over each of us.

"Is it.... Over?" Omega asks uncertainly.

My vision is fuzzy as Wrecker unfastens his seat,  standing up and unfastening Omega. My fingers trembling, I attempt to unbuckle myself.

Finally loosening the strap, I pull the belt over my head. Standing up, I groan, almost collapsing as black spots fill the corners of my vision.

"Delta?" Omega asks uncertainty, placing a hand on mine.
I try to give her a smile.

"I'm fine, love."

"No, you are not." Hunter says, standing in front of me.

"Really, Hunter, I am fine."

He grumbles something about women, putting one arm around my back.

"Hunter? What are you— agh!"
He sweeps me up bridal style, setting me back down on the seat. Omega laughs, covering her mouth with her hand.

"You just like to pick me up." I mutter, crossing my arms as my vision starts to clear.

  Echo and Tech enter the cabin. Echo sits down in the chair across me, typing something into the computer before groaning.

  "You've got to be kidding me. The storm outside is getting worst, and it has knocked out our comms."

  "Isn't that fantastic." Hunter says sarcastically. "Tech, Status report."

  "I suspect one of our Compassitors was fried during our firefight with the regs. Inventory analysis indicates we have one spare onboard."

"Is it, ugh." Omega grunts, and we all turn to look at her. "Is it in here?" The large crate she was trying to move topples over with a loud crash.

  The boys are silent, staring at the box forlornly.

  "What?" Omega asks, tilting her head to the side.

  "That's Crosshair's weapon kit." Hunter says sadly. I can see his sadness in his posture: how his military straight stance weakens, his shoulders rolling forward slightly.

  "Fine. I'll say it." Wrecker breaks the silence. "I kinda miss him."

  "He shot you, Remember?" Echo asks, crossing his arms.

  "Oh, yeah, I remember! That hurt."

  "Look," Hunter says harshly, turning around. "Debating this won't fix the ship. Lets get that compassitor  fixed and get off this Rock."

  I watch him stride to the cockpit, sadness piercing my soul.

Hiya. Another chapter cause your girl is crazy.

I found a cool screensaver for y'all

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I found a cool screensaver for y'all.

   It's blurry. 😩😩

  Okay, I hope you all have an amazing rest of your week!

  Until we meet again!

Kena ❤️ 

The girl with a storm in her eyes:  The Bad Batch FanficWhere stories live. Discover now