Meeting the fellowship

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I saw 4 small people running down the hill but then they all tripped I then turned misty around and ran up to then catching them,a tall dark haired man ran down the hill and stopped two inches away from me
"Hello young maiden thanks for catching our hobbits"he said
"No problem your lucky my misty is fast"I said patting her neck she wiped her tail which meant she liked it
"May I ask you fair maiden what's your name?"he asked
"My names Cora and what's your name?" I asked him
"I'm Aragon  and these clumsy hobbits are"he said while the hobbits stood up
"I'm Sam" he said while holding out his hand I shook it "hi Sam"i said
"I'm merry" merry said
"I'm Frodo"he said
"You must be pippin"I said while Looking at pippin
"Aye that's me"he said in a Irish accent
"Who are they"I asked pointing up to three people in the hill Aragon signalled me to stand beside him and so I did he pointed to a small person
"That's Gimli and he's a dwarf"Aragon started while Gimli waved at me I waved back
"That's Gandalf he's incredible"he said pointing to Gandalf,he tilted his head as to say hello and that's when I saw him the elf I had a crush on
"That's"he started
"Legolas greenleaf prince of Mirkwood"I said accidentally interrupting Aragon,I look back at Legolas and the rest of them I saw them walking down to Aragon they reach him
"Who's your friend Aragon?"Gimli asked
"I'm Cora"I answered
"Hello Cora nice to meet you"Legolas said but I realised his voice sounded like he was either in pain or it was just soft.I looked away back at Ryan but they were gone I ran down the hill and tried to find them and then collapsed on the floor and cried into my knees I heard the fellowship run down to me and the hobbits rolled down the hill I see someone kneel beside me it was Legolas
"Cora are you ok" he asked me looking at me with worried eyes
"Yeah I'm fine"I lied with hurt and pain in my voice
"No your not lass what the matter ?" Pippin asked me
"It's Ryan he left me"I said my mood changed from sad to angry,I pulled out my phone to see 12 missed calls from Ryan I called him back
"Hey Cora you" Ryan said innocently
"DON'T HEY CORA ME RYAN TITAN SMITH YOU FUCKING LEFT ME AT THE ARCHERY PRACTICE PLACE your lucky the fellowship found me at least they didn't walk out on me unlike my parents and you"I yelled and calmed down when I felt Legolas touch my hand that was on my knee I slammed my phone down,Legolas and Aragon looked at me
"Did your parents actually walk out on you ?"Aragon asked I nodded
"Did you actually mean what you said about the fellowship ?"Legolas soft voice said I nodded softly,Aragon helped Legolas up and he helped me up
"Well young Cora would you like to join us on our quest to Mordor"Gandalf asked me
"Umm"I said,Legolas looked at me and slightly nodded his head for me to say yes
"Sure I would love to join you"I said then I heard the hobbits roll down the hill even more then I saw Gimli roll then Aragon then Legolas,but when Legolas rolled down I rolled down and then this was the even funniest Gandalf rolled down when we were all at the bottom of the hill we just bursted out laughing
"I don't find that very funny"someone said we all got up obviously Legolas stood by me
"Who's this" I asked
"This is my brother Boromir"Aragon  said
"Sounds like a buzzkill"I whispered to Legolas,he chuckled and blushed a little I started walking back up the hill totally ignoring Boromir and waited for the others and we continued our journey to Mordor.At nightfall,I stopped at the edge of a cliff it brung back so many memories then I felt a hand touch my shoulder it was another tall man
"You all right lass"he asked me in a sort of Scottish accent
"Yes I'm fine what's your name"I asked him
"Oh right I'm Fili and this is my brother Kili"he said
"Hi Fili and Kili are you guys new" I asked they both nodded I look past them and see misty and Legolas walking together I tone in on them and this is what I hear
"What do I do misty I'm worried about her she's been a bit off lately"he while looking over at me and see Boromir sneaking up behind me,next thing I know I'm falling off the cliff
"Nooo Cora"Legolas screamed,Fili and Kili and Legolas ran to the edge and see me hit the water Gandalf teleported down and caught me and brought me back up Legolas jumped down and landed by my side he was shaking he was in pain I touched his face it he looked at me with pure anger and went back up and pushed Boromir off the cliff,the fellowship burst out laughing
"Won't be needing him anymore"Legolas said wiping his hands i giggle.Morning,I sit up and stretch and I hear my zip of my tent open Legolas popped in and closed the zip and came over to me and wrapped his arms around
"What do you want"I said cheekily
"We're going to Mirkwood for a few days it's more closer to Mordor then when we are well rested we will set of again and misty can get a good rest"Legolas explained Aragon sneaked to the front of my tent and banged on the door
"Come on lovebirds let's get packing we have a trip ahead of us"he said
"Does he not know we are going to Mirkwood"I asked Legolas shook his head
"No one knows"he said
"We have to tell them that we are staying at your home for a bit"I said unwrapping his arms
He nodded so then we all set of

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