Licorice Cookie/Clover Cookie Headcanons

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TWs: Self harm, self-deprecating humor, mention of decapitation, necromancy

Licorice Cookie headcanons:

-21, uses he/they pronouns

-Transgender male.

-Dating Clover.

-Has low self-esteem, makes a lot of self-deprecating jokes as a coping mechanism.

-Scratches himself on the arms as a form of self harm. He's gotten better at finding better ways to cope, but still does it unconsciously. 

-Constantly feels like he's never enough for anything.

-Very touch starved and very clingy.

-Knows necromancy (can communicate with the dead)

-Was the one who brought Onion Cookie's spirit back to the living world (probably gonna make a oneshot with this)

-Doesn't actually know how to use his scythe as a weapon; the only thing it's used for is for necromancy purposes

-Blackberry was the one who originally taught him necromancy. (y'know, cause she has ghosts as her servants?)

-Is an older brother figure to Poison Mushroom.

-Has a one-sided rivalry with Fig.

-Insists that his robes (rags) makes him look fabulous.

-Listens to Parfait's music whenever he's stressed.

-Actually very good online friends with Parfait.

-Really clumsy, constantly tripping over his robes.

-Threatened to decapitate Clover the first time they met.

Clover Cookie Headcanons:

-21, uses he/they/she pronouns.


-Dating Licorice.

-Herb's best friend, helps run his flower shop sometimes.

-He enjoys singing to the animals, they keep him company.


-Thinks Licorice is as intimidating as an angry cat.

-Was the one who introduced Licorice to Parfait's music.

-Will sing Licorice to sleep sometimes.

-Wants nothing more than for Licorice to accept himself.

-White Lily Cookie's biological descendant.

-They met Licorice in the forest, whilst they were singing to the animals.

Wow, this section of the book took a darker turn than I expected. 0.0

Might be cause I'm going through some tough stuff lately and unintentionally projected my problems onto Licorice.

But yeah, that's it for these headcanons, I might add more later.

Signing off,


!Image not mine!

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