Chapter 1: The Meeting

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One day, young Kirby was walking through the forest, humming derpily. "La la la la, la la, la la la, la la, la la la!" He sang.

Kirby stopped suddenly as he heard a rustling behind him. "Who... Who's there?" Kirby asked, his eyes going wide as he backed away from the bush the rustling had come from.

Kirby watched as Meta Knight fell out of the bush. He heard him mutter a couple curse words. "Meta?" Kirby asked, confused. "Um... Yeah," Meta Knight replied. "Hi."

"Why'd you follow me..?" Kirby asked. "Um..." Meta Knight trailed, looking up from where he was on the ground to meet Kirby's gaze. "I... I don't have an answer to that."


"Uh... I didn't think I'd get caught... So I guess I didn't really have a plan."

"Ugh, whatever," Kirby sighed. "I guess you're coming with me, then."

"Okaaay," Meta Knight said, slowly standing up and following Kirby. The two Puffballs continued their journey through the forest.

"What are you doing anyways," Meta Knight began, "out here in the forest?"

"I dunno," Kirby shrugged. "Stuff."

"What kind of stuff?"



"I dunno."

"Where are you headed?"


"And that somewhere is..?"


"Why are you still walking?"


"Why do you keep answering my questions with 'dunno?'"

"Dun-I don't know!"

Meta Knight was about to yell at Kirby to stop saying "dunno," but stopped when a Waddle Dee plopped in front of them.

"Hello!" Kirby ran over to greet the Waddle Dee. "Oof... Hello," the Waddle Dee replied. Kirby helped the Waddle Dee up.

"Eep!" Waddle Dee exclaimed when he noticed Meta Knight. "Don't hurt me!" He cried, curling into a ball.

"Oh, him," Kirby said. "Nah, he won't hurt you..." He went on, although there was a hint of doubt in his voice as he eyed his mentor.

"So why are you here?" Meta Knight asked Waddle Dee. "I was hiding," Waddle Dee began. "From... From..."

Before Waddle Dee could finish his statement, King Dedede fell through the trees, landing on Waddle Dee.

"... Him," Waddle Dee finished with a wheeze.

"Hey Kirby... Meta," King Dedede said, noticing that him and his servant were not alone.

"Um, yeah... Hi," Meta Knight replied. "I-I can't breathe!" Waddle Dee gasped. "Ugh, fine! Gosh, you're such a crybaby!" King Dedede said, getting off of Waddle Dee.

"Why the hell is everybody following me?!" Kirby yelled. "Language!" Meta Knight snapped, bonking Kirby on the head. "But you say it all the time!" Kirby objected. "And a lot of other stuff I probably shouldn't say..."

"So Kirbs," King Dedede interrupted. "Where ya' goin'?"

"Dun-" Kirby started, but broke off as Meta Knight fixed him with a sharp glare. "Ah... Somewhere."

"And that somewhere be...?"

"We already went through this," Meta Knight interrupted with a sigh. "So we did," Waddle Dee said. "Yes we- Oh, you weren't even here!" Meta Knight snapped at the Waddle Dee.

"Oh..." Waddle Dee trailed off. "Let us continue," Kirby said, walking ahead, but Meta Knight stopped him. "Hey," Meta Knight began quietly, so that King Dedede and Waddle Dee couldn't hear them. "Who said they could come with us?"

"I said!" Kirby exclaimed derpily and began walking again. Meta Knight followed with a sigh, while the other two followed close behind.

"Do do do do do do do do," Kirby hummed. "Please shut up," Meta Knight said as kindly as he could, which wasn't really all that kind; it was more of a mock kindness. "Fine," Kirby scoffed, crossing his arms the best he could.

"Hey, what's that?" King Dedede asked, pointing ahead. "What's what?" Kirby asked.


Kirby saw it now. A giant tree, also know as Wispy Woods. Kirby had already had numerous encounters with this boss, and now it would be another.

"Go get 'em Kirbs," Meta Knight said, sitting down. "Wh- You're not going to help me?!" Kirby asked. "You can handle him," Meta Knight replied dismissively, taking a book out of his cape.

"What about you guys?" Kirby asked, turning to King Dedede and Waddle Dee. "Nah," King Dedede said, sitting down as well and taking out a piece of pie. "Of course I will Ki-" Waddle Dee began kindly, but was cut off by a smack from King Dedede. "Uh... Sorry Kirby, I can't," Waddle Dee said, looking nervously at his boss and sitting down as well.

"Fine!" Kirby scoffed. And with that, he headed away to fight Wispy Woods.

"Can't you guys at least help me?!"

Kirby had been trying to defeat the stubborn tree for at least a couple hours. The other three had remained where they were, watching Kirby. Meta Knight had read his book, King Dedede had stuffed his face with food, and Waddle Dee had looked like he wanted to help Kirby, but kept casting nervous glances at King Dedede, who would return his glance with a glare.

Meta Knight looked up from his book to meet Kirby's bright blue eyes. "It's a tree, Kirby."

"A very difficult tree!" Kirby retorted. Meta Knight blinked exasperatedly, and returned to his book. "Look Kirbs," King Dedede interrupted the two yet again. "If you can beat pretty much every one in Dreamland, I think you can handle a tree."

"No I can't!" Kirby whined. "I thought you guys were my friends!"

Meta Knight let out an amused chuckle, while King Dedede burst into laughter. "I'm your friend, Kirby," Waddle Dee said. "Thank you!" Kirby exclaimed. "Now can you please help me fight this tree?"

"Er... Sorry, Kirby," Waddle Dee said, glancing nervously at his boss. "I'm not allowed."

"Hey!" Interrupted a voice. All four of them, except Meta Knight, who obviously couldn't care less, looked at Wispy Woods. "Are you guys fighting me or what?"

"Kirby is," King Dedede said, picking up Kirby and chucking him towards the tree. Kirby landed with a plop in front of the tree. "But you guys-" Kirby whined.

"Just remember your training," Meta Knight said without looking up from his book. Kirby growled and turned back to Wispy Woods. "Fine. I'll beat him myself."


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