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Oh what a life of material, you must have lived before the day you met me

But as we came together and as the time passed, you lost connection to that which was your artificial reality

The reality in which you sought out to escape what ailed you for so long

Quite ironic, might I say, to find escapism through the physical world as opposed to that of fantasy

And in the same irony, our fantasy world, down from the crops and up to the highest mountains, brought you closer to your real life, than the physical world ever could

And this was my power

You are afraid of my power to reunite you with the true world you live in

You feel threatened by my ability to revive what was the corpse of your youth

Because a man like you, he chooses blindness over change, for his eyes can only bare one and not the other

Though I must inform you, that change has come, and shall not revert

The alterations I have engraved into the pattern of your life, cannot be undone and therefore, you will not live again, the life you'd lived before we met

Because once I have made reality, a reality, fantasy and escapism have no relevancy

So, tell me, how does it feel to be what you fear more than anything?

How does it feel

To be human?

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