Chapter 10: The final selection

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First of all: it's poorly written kind of off track and I'm trying a new writing style

I apologize once again!

Short chap again..

Urokodaki: I wasn't planning on letting you go to the final selection but since you've passed, I will let you go then.

With that the 3 of you descend the mountain back to Urokodaki's house. That night, Urokodaki made a bunch of delicious, mouth-watering foods for Tanjiro to feast before he has to go to 'The final selection'.

As Tanjiro was eating, he noticed that neither you nor his teacher's touching the food. He got confused and asked the both of you:

Tanjiro: Why aren't you guys eating? Oh no! Am I being rude?!

You: *giggles*

Urokodaki: Of course not. We want you to eat as much as you want to.

You: Yeah! Since you'll be staying on that mountain for 7 days. Wouldn't want you to starve now would we?

Urokodaki: Your sister is right. On Mt. Fujikasane there will be numerous types of demons that you would have to encounter. Please be safe.

Later that night, Tanjiro was cutting his hair while you left to go somewhere. You did tell him first though so he and Urokodaki wouldn't worry.

(And everything after that I believe you already know so let's see what you are doing)

[Name] was just on her way going back to the butterfly estate to wish good luck to one of her favorite successors

Tsuyuri Kanao

Also known as the adopted sister of Kochou Shinobu, her fellow Pillar. Although [Name] being one or a few years younger than Shinobu, she's always been an older sister figure to her.

[Name] has always been there for them (the pillars), when they're sad [Name]'s always there, always ready to listen to them rant on and on about nothing in particular, always giving the best advice and ready to help with anything.

You: Moshi moshi~

[Name] said while trying to impersonate the one and only Insect pillar.

Shinobu: Ara ara~ You've improved quite a lot!

You: Why thank you! You still look as stunning as ever!

Shinobu: *blushes* W-well thank you~! The same goes to you!

( y'all look amazing m'kay? Now go look in the mirror and say "I'm a badass bitch")

You: Where's Kanao?

Shinobu: Oh she's sleeping to get some energy for tomorrow.

You: Oh...okay then! Tell her I wish her the best of luck!

Shinobu: Okay! I'll pass your words to her!

You: Thanks! I have to continue my mission now. Byee~!

And everything after that I suppose you all already know.

(I'm sorry-)

[ At Mt. Fujikasane ]

Tanjiro: Is this the place? It's so pretty...

You: Heyoo!


You: Heyy~ I came here to wish you to do your best!

Tanjiro: GOT IT! Thank you!

You: Do your best! Me and Nezuko will be waiting for you!

Tanjiro: I'll do my best!

_With Kanao_

You: Boo!

Kanao: ....Hi nee-san..

You: Heyyy~ Good luck Kanao!

_The selection begins_
(Cause I'm lazy👁️👄👁️)

...To be continued...

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