2- The flight

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HEELLOOOOO MY DUMPLINGS!! my story has only had 20 views at the moment i am writing this, but i am determined to get more views, so here is the second chapter of Relationship Goals

-Mia's P.O.V-

We ran out of the house and into Ryan's black Audi TT. God i loved this car, it reminded me of when he first got it and nearly killed us both, that day is stuck in my head like nothing else i can remember.

The trip to the airport seemed like 5 minutes long, even though i knew it was more than that, it was probably because i was so excited, but every couple of minutes in the car Ryan would look over at me and ask if i was alright, and to be honest i was, except i HATE planes.. i mean any one of them could crash at any second, or one could FLY into the other one! I mean seriously! it's so dangerous!!!

I tried to calm myself down as we approached the airport. the car rolled to a stop and i slowly opened the door, careful of any passing cars. Ryan got our suitcases from the back of the car and we walked into the airport next to each other.

We walked through the airport, hand in hand and we get to our gate, lucky us, we were right on time. Ryan handed the flight woman our tickets and as the woman scanned over them, she also scanned over Ryan. i was getting seriously jealous standing there and stepped closer to him.

As the woman gave us back our tickets, she held onto Ryan's hand a little too long and as she let go, i could see a slip of extra paper under his ticket. She slapped my ticket down on my hand and let us go through the gate, and onto the metal death trap of a plane.

as we got to the entrance of the plane, i stayed quiet and handed the woman my ticket, not looking up to see yet another woman flirt with Ryan.

We walked to our seats and grabbed my phone, earphones and a book before pulling my bag up to the bag hatch above our seats and then sat down next to the window.

I put on my seatbelt and looked out the window as i heard somebody put their seatbelt on next to me, and a hand rest on my leg. 'Mia, are you alright babe?' Ryan asked me. i looked up at him and smiled 'yeah' i replied.

He moved me so that my head was resting against his shoulder and his arm snaked around my waist.

We talked about everything and nothing, sometimes not even making sense until the plane took off and we were in the air. I squeezed my eyes shut, just to feel Ryan's hand run up mu arms, comforting me.

Not long later, i heard a ding, and the seatbelt sign stopped glowing. i opened my eyes to see a sleepy boy with messy hair right beside me. A woman walked pass and asked us if we needed anything, and as she walked off, i realised she didn't even notice me, and was staring directly at Ryan.

My anger and jealousy was getting the better of the at this point, so i left the sleepy cute boy asleep next to me and went to the bathroom. lucky me, we were in first class, so it was easy for me to get there. As soon as i was in the bathroom, i went to the sink and let the cold tap run. I splashed the cool water over my face and fixed my hair. Turning off the tap, i walked out the bathroom. I closed the bathroom door, and to the side of the bathroom i could hear that same annoying voice that i heard earlier talking to Ryan.

I walked around the corner and saw her, with about five other, dressed up sassy girls with toms of make-up on and their hair done to perfection. she was talking about Ryan to the other girls.

'... and when i spoke to him, he looked me up and down and touched my hand, and said that i was beautiful and that if i had anything i wanted or needed then i could have it and that we should go on a date. He was so adorable and i ran my hands through his hair and he kissed my cheek, and...' i walked round the corner

'What a load of bullsh*t. He never did any of that. He didnt even look at you. You wanna know how i know that?' i made a small white lie.. 'He is my boyfriend. I'm his girlfriend. And you are a lying sl*t.' she gasps as i turn around and walk back to my seat, just before i rounded the toilet corner, i turned around and stared straight at her 'oh, and i don't want any of you near him. Do you understand? You may not know this, but my dad runs this company. Your job can be gone in a second.' even though that is true, she looked at me in disbelief, then shock, remembering i am in the photo of me and my dad on the website, she should know who my dad is. that b*tch.

I grinned at her shocked face as i go back to my seat. i try to climb over Ryan's lap and not touch him, but failed when i accidentally fall on his lap. He grunts and wakes up, rubbing his eyes.

He opens his eyes finally, and gives me a tired smile, which made my heart melt. i climbed off him and sat back in my seat. he groggily moved to face me and took off his seatbelt.

I grab my phone and my earphones from the pocket on the back of the seat in front of me and and turn on my phone. i start flicking through music when i feel an arm snake around my shoulders.

'mind if i listen with you?' he takes one of the earphones and puts it in his ear. He then grabs my phone out of my hand and turns on the one song he knows i love. Sad song by We The Kings ft. Elena Coates.

I leaned into him and let the music take over me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2015 ⏰

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