Creati Game Mode S2: UA Sports Festival Pt. 5

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Y/N: "Present Mic! When Lady Midnight starts the fight. Play the song of my people: "The Only Thing They Fear Is You""

Present Mic looks at Eraserhead and he just shrug. Looking back at Y/N, he gave a thumbs up.

Present Mic: "Now for the endurance finals he is the highest form of Masteral in all forms of games. The one and only gamer. Y/N L/N."

The crowd roared louder at his entry. He held out a peace sign and his thumb on his right hand and his whole 5 fingers on the other.

Present Mic: "And now the copy prince of class 1B. Neito Monoma"

The whole stadium booed him at his entry. He just looked dead ahead at Y/N.

Monoma: "Come at me you out of place student. 21 isn't an even number. Consider your loss a payback for that stupid bar of iron you threw"

Y/N: "Gladly prince of all looks no substance.

With that Midnight starts the fight as well as the song.

With all the quirks he studied with Midoriya he began to plan. He threw an Ice Blast(Oblivion Shoto style) on his target while Monoma ran in. He stomped on the ground and out comes a Laser Rifle. And on the other a Tempest.

Monoma: "That little refrigerator of yours won't stop me"

Y/N: "I know but it bought me time"

He began to shoot an arc of electricity (Denki CoD BO3 Style) and to stop him. With a few seconds of incapacitation. He readied the laser rifle (Aoyama Fallout Style) and shot a few oh his torso as he deflects it with Kirishima's hardening yet it's all metal.

Monoma: "Enough fooling around fight me like you intend to"

Y/N: "I am fax boy, I see that you are holding on to your classmate's quirk"

He then summons a Dark Energy Field Manipulator and began taking a hold of Monoma (Ochako Half Life Style) . He was just playing with him up and down bashing to the cement stage.

The crowd roared as he despawned the gravity gun and threw a couple of potions consisting of slowness, harming, poison and weakness (Mina Minecraft Style).

Y/N: "This will hold you" He looks at the crowd "are you not entertain?" The crowd roared at him and shrugged "I guess they do"

He then he then ran to him and began to lift him up and began punching him on the stomach (Kirishima Heavy Handed Fallout Style and Iida's Terraria style).

He held him off with a dark holding goop. (Sero and Tokoyami Prototype Style).

Y/N: "This is the quirk of my lineage"

True Quirk: Visualizer - all medium of technology may take literal form of their desired entity inside it and be able to used or commanded by the L/N lineage.

Soon every jumbotron turns off and every forms of fighters summon into it. Shooters specifically. He summoned a Bo staff. and held Monoma up high.

Y/N: "Let this be a lesson. We may be same ideals in our courses, different classes. Don't even crash in our way.

He swung the bo staff upward hitting Monoma (Yaoyorozu SSB Style) every shooters took aim and shot Monoma. He is now weak. Kirishima's quirk may have saved him. But not on his downfall. He was wiping the one gravity spikes with the nitroglycerin he got from Bakugo and ran with it. The power was poured unto it 10%. The one spike was flaming the other was ready to blow up.


He slammed the spikes and with one fell swoop he flew and dented him to the wall.

"In blackjack, 21 is the winning number. Don't even dare screw with 1A with your weak arguments"

Midnight: "Neito Monoma is out of bounds. Y/N L/N is the winner. Brutality"

The crowd roared and he walked back limping to the stands smiling at Midnight's joke. Coming in the tunnel he felt a loving hug. Momo was there as well as Todoroki.

Shoto: "Excellent of you winning the endurance matches Y/N"

Y/N: "Thanks Shoto... Don't kill Bakugo..."

Shoto: "Strange request but I will do it for you"

Momo: "My Dear rest up you won the match. I am proud of you"

Y/N: "Thanks... Momo... Need... Nap... No Recovery... Girl"

Exhaustion took over him. Momo caught him. And with that Momo flung his arm around her nape and carried him to their stands. When she got them up their classmates saw them. The strongest ones, Shoji, Kirishima and Sato helped him to his seat.

Izuku: "Why didn't you carry him to Recovery Girl? "

Momo: "He requested not to. After all he isn't injured"

Every one was now seated and Y/N is half awake just listening to the DJ/commentator about the fight.

Bakugo VS Todoroki. The fight of 2 powerful leaderboard rankers. The son of the 2nd Ranking Hero. The anarchist of the entrance exams. Midnight's signal went and go.

Todoroki used his ice wall. With the quirk like Bakugo, the walls began to go down as he blasts away. Both rushing with the intent to freeze Bakugo, Todoroki was pushed back. Thinking fast and smart, he stopped the push by planting ice.

Balance recovered, they began charging again this time Shoto finally using his left. Or so Bakugo thought, Shoto just pushed him. Midoriya began to yell at Shoto, waking Y/N in the process (due to the near proximity of the yell) and Y/N stood up as well.

Y/N: "Use your powerful left and don't kill him!!! BROTHER SHOTO!!!!!"

Finally bursting with flames, Katsuki was now happy. He began to propell himself and spun with the help of his quirk. Y/N took Momo cover

Y/N: "Everyone get down. He begins rifling and with his quirk he will blow up like a-"

Bakugo: "Howitzer IMPACT!!!!"

A torrent of ice, flames and smoke went and gone. The crowd as well as 1A looked around the arena.

Y/N: "The way Bakugo use his quirk... Can wipe a battalion... Howitzer impact... More like AC130 Gunship..."

Momo: "Do you think Shoto deflected that?"

Y/N: "Negative... He might deflect the Deku's shot but a Katsuki's rifled shot is fast piercing shot."

Looking at Shoto's side, he is now unconscious. Bakugo was screaming at him not being able to use the fire. Finally the angry blonde was unconscious. Thanks Midnight.

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