Chapter 1

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I ate in silence at the wooden table. My eyes were averted to a strange shape in my green beans, and I was trying to find out what it was shaped as. A horse? no, because there seems to be another leg, head, and tail. Maybe a giraffe...My mind trailed off. I soon found myself not eating.

"Derrick" My father's stern voice made me jump. "Why aren't you eating? What is troubling you so?" he asked, chewing his steak silently. I didn't respond. I never did. In fact, I don't think anybody has heard my voice. Not that its strange or anything, I'm just....shy I guess. Really shy.

I just continued eating. My father looked and mother. I seen the familiar concern that he always shot at my her every time I didn't speak. I'm thinking they might just get rid of me because for God's sake, that would be doing everyone a favor. Who would want to pay for psychologists when the boy won't speak?

My mind eventually drifted again. I heard Father clear his throat. "Derrick son, can you say something please?" Patience was at it's peak in his voice. I shook my head slowly, eyes glued to my hands. He spoke to me like I was a child, has he ever wondered that maybe changing his way of speech, might just help mine? Has he ever remembered what made me want to keep quiet?

I ignored his question and stared at my fingernails. My thoughts were jumbled in one big heap, and I couldn't sort it out. I remembered one thing clearly, though, to which my promise I gave Jocelyn in the hospital room. The promise I can't keep, probably because I'm a pathetic mute, and a coward.

Tears brimmed my eyes as I wrote on my napkin, "Forgive me, I need to be excused" because really, I don't want them to see my tears of shame and embarrasment. I tossed it onto the middle of the table and quickly exited the room.

I really had no idea what I was doing. Still ashamed from just leaving the dining room, I had a genius thought. I changed my original plan to go to the bathroom.

I hurried down the hall, into my huge room. I dug around in my closet until I found a large duffel bag and shoved as many clothes as I can, and my essentials. Then, I ran into the hall and peeked into the dining room.

Father was holding mother, and she was..crying. by now tears were sliding down my cheeks as I realized I was the reason why they have a heavy burden on their shoulders. Father was trying to sooth her with sweet words, but she kept saying "No No No!"

I held my head from the sudden feeling of sadness. My back ached, and sweat dripped from my forhead. I cried with them in silence until I reminded myself this was it, This was the last thing you needed. A precious memory to hold on to. Shaking my head, I cried even harder.

I wen't silently down the hall to the last door. My hands felt shaky, my ears sensitive, my throat dry. I sighed as I could still hear mother sobbing. Opening the door, I quickly went to fathers safe, opened it, and took as much money as I can. I left a note on his desk.

Hopefully, they can be happy again.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2015 ⏰

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