"Your house is really big," Camila commented when the girls had gotten up the staircase. Her head kept turning in every direction as she tried to take in everything. She had never been in a house this large before. Her own house was pretty big itself, but it wasn't this big.

"Y-Yeah. Um, my parents bought it mainly for the space for parties and stuff. Otherwise, our house would probably be smaller." the other girl replied, hating how nervous she was.

"Yeah we've got something like that too, but we only ever have family over or some of my dad's friends. But then again, your dad probably has to do these things, being the mayor and all." Camila commented absently while admiring the artwork in the hallway they were headed down. Lauren tried to keep up with the conversation so she could hear the brown-eyed girl talk some more.

"Well, he doesn't have to, but it helps with, you know, like elections. Plus I think everyone here tonight had something to do with his campaign. So it's probably more of a 'thank you' type of event." Lauren told her, finding it a little easier to talk to Camila now.

She stopped Camila when they reached her room before leading her inside. The younger girl seemed surprised by the amount of the space.

"Wow! You have this whole room to yourself?" she asked while admiring the high ceilings, light blue walls, and the obviously expensive decor. Lauren just shrugged it off like it wasn't a huge deal.

"Yeah, I have a lot of extra space I don't really know what to do with and I could've chosen one of the smaller rooms, but this one has the best view," she said pointing to the floor to ceiling windows across from them.

From their distance, the girls could see the entire cityscape shining brightly in the dark. Camila thought it was a breathtaking sight and she now understood why Lauren liked it so much. But the younger girl had to admit that she would definitely do more with the extra space Lauren had if she had a bedroom like this.

"It's a shame you don't have more in here though. If this were my room, I'd maybe use that side of the room for music. There's definitely enough space there for like a music area with my guitars and a piano or maybe a home studio." Camila rambled off walking over to the more vacant side of the room which looked like it was big enough to be a small bedroom on its own.

Lauren would usually be a bit put off that someone was nitpicking her room but she knew that wasn't what Camila was doing. Plus the ideas she had interested Lauren since she had always wanted a place for music in the house. The closest thing they had to a music room was the front room where they had the piano, but it was mainly for show. Lauren loved playing it, but always wished she had her own private space for music.

Unfortunately, when she suggested it to her parents, her mother said it would be too distracting and that the space would be better used as a study area. But there was only so much space a desk and a bookcase could take up and the empty part of Lauren's room always did bother her after that. Regardless, she never brought up the music area idea to her parents again since she knew it wouldn't be approved of.

"Yeah, I always wanted a music space, but my mom thought it would be too distracting," Lauren replied with a shrug. Camila's brow furrowed in disagreement, but she let it go.

Noticing Camila's confusion, Lauren was quick to switch to a different subject.

"So you play guitar and piano, huh?"

Camila visibly brightened and Lauren wondered if anyone else found the sight as contagious as she did.

"Yeah. I tried learning the drums too, but I'm not coordinated enough for it," she said with a shrug before settling down on the edge of Lauren's bed. Lauren slipped off her heels and joined her.

The Perks of Being a Lesbian (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now